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Overseas Pakistani Friends blog is dedicated to overseas Pakistani friends all over the world. All the friends are invited to participate in discussions and finding the ways to help Overseas Pakistani community. In case any friend is interested in publishing useful information, please contact us.

Best Regards


49 thoughts on “About”

  1. visa on arrival vietnam

    I love to share knowledge that I’ve accumulated with the 12 months to help enhance group overall performance.

  2. hi guys.
    i am hamid from peshawer kpk..
    And i need a yours idea bcs i want to completed pc hardwair course i am varY intrust to the pc works but..mY whole faimly says yOu get DAe civil diploma and am not intrust in dae so plz friends Uall give me idea i’M what’s dO works..
    Plz help me..

  3. As I sent the petition of Dubai Sports City i would like to say we became like hostages and there is no way developer not refunding also on other side they aren’t completing their construction of buildings Dubai land Department (RERA) gives only solution go to court. Investors now gathered more than 5000
    we hope we will get more investors by time.

    Developers demanding for heavy charges of electricity utility charges + 2000 RERA pre-Registration like my studio unit is only 630sq/ft developer memon charging me 14000 this not to me only whole Dubai sports city developers demanding to all investors.
    Every developer is doing only completion since 2007 March and December.

    When we ask to developers reasons of delaying building construction they say RERA Dubai land department delivered to us very late the plot.
    They also blaming there is disputes between 3 directors of Dubai sports city master developer.
    We want peacefully exit from Dubai U.A.E. with our amount

    Why Dubai Sports City constructed half to send owners to Dubai court and spend more money in u.a.e. I can say it is corruption is somewhere
    We all demanding refund to all of us + interests. We want exit with our refund never investment in Dubai again
    This will damages the Dubai image and also bad impact of investment in the market of Dubai and u.a.e.

    If all investor go to court so there is not investment purpose it becomes that and this will encourage all developers from Dubai advertise the projects after reservation and signing contract taking amount from buyers/investors make cheap reasons of delaying when all investors ask or complaint to RERA and Dubai land department they will be say go to court. If investors need always to go court so it is not a investment i would say and you think all investors of Dubai sports city more than 5000 go to court and pay 30000AED fees to court

    We are waiting to hear from you declare the decree to developers and null the all contracts of buyer investors and refund back also interests
    i am now like begger i don’t have anymore money if sick ahmed shaikhani md of memon refund me with my interest i can restart my self ahmed shaikhani is in Dubai


    In 2005 I started payment to memon against reservation of commercial in champions tower I developer is memon it had pre planned I am sure to delay the construction building and handing over.

    Memon also took from me in the name of auditing purpose my original payment receipts
    Because it said after finishing auditing we will return it back to you.

    I will tell you how in end of 2007 memon sent me visa I came to Dubai and joint managing director of memon mr Rizwan shaikhani informed me the building is not completed and due to this reason you can take back your amount and Dubai municipality
    Isn’t allowing for commercial on ground floor for only residential purpose.

    I said ok give me with my premium + original amount which is given by me to you
    Against commercial on ground
    Rizwan shaikhani answered me that premium you will not receive.

    Next day memon offered me on 5th floor unit studio apartment putted reservation after filling I signed it I request to do your sign he said no need our signatures because reservation form is with our logo and it is understood. Next I asked bring the contract

    I will sign and I will go back to Pakistan memon said contracts copies has been finished
    You go Pakistan we will send you by courier one copy you will keep and second one you have to send us back

    I paid 4000 for electricity utility charges and RERA Pre-registration
    Memon again printed two receipts first they printed without my name I saw it asked where is my name so memon reprinted after I went in Dubai land for owner inquiry for 505 unit owner is abdalla amin lutfi I asked in memon office I got answer it is misunderstanding then I signed contract in February with unit 108 I don’t know why this
    In champions tower dubai sports city they changed my selected property unit second time
    Memon kept me in dark and protected self from expiring contract if memon signed contract from 2005 or 2007 and this is crime

    I want RERA Dubai Land Department can play a role if you just e-mail to miss santy
    That return back original payment receipts to atique memon will do it and it will effect I am sure after your order it will be enough
    Send e-mail to miss santy tell to her whenever atique visit your office (memon) return original payment receipts back

    you can see how ahmed shaikhani and shaikhani’s cheating please help me for take back my fund refund from this lier shaikhani but i will hit him once in Dubai don’t fear from law of Dubai now i will don’t care roles and contitutions of Dubai shaikhani is also doing same no body is asking this pakistani sick fraudia developer
    my contact is

  4. Dear Dr. Rizvi
    Actually this website belongs to overseas Pakistanis, everybody is invited to take active part and add useful content to the website. All you need to do is just register and you will be enabled to publish content

    1. Raheem I am always appreciative of your single handed efforts in maintaining this site. I know it is a cumbersome task. Your site though has come to a stagnat position nevertheless I feel it hundred times better than the OPF official site which has nothing to offer. Your remarks welcoming any one is great but be sure, as somewhere earlier I said to you, please take a strict line that no one use it directly or indirectly for promotion of his services, products with beautiful words, nice phrased sentences offers with hidden terms.

  5. Respected Sir/Madam.
    I am Dr Talha. Registrar Of neurosurgery department at Jinnah Hospital Lahore.
    The condition of our countary is well before you. We, in medical field
    are working in a compromised situation. I was informed by my brother
    that you can help. We need a portable X-Ray Maschine for peroperative
    Xray of our patients. The hospital does not provide us this facility.
    a lot of patients who need this wait for there operation for weeks.
    this may be a very unusual thing for you but it is a very bitter
    reality. a used maschine may cost from 1 lac to 3-4 lac. for a new one
    you can search on internet. i hope you people will participate in this
    good cell no is 03004270295. if you cant do something kindly
    pray for my this cause. Believe me this thing is vital at this moment.
    people out of flood also need your help and these are really helpless people.
    Dr Talha Abbas.

  6. Talking with the Overseas Pakistanis weekly “Baladi” magazine the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis Dr. Farooq Sattar stated that he was aware of the deteriorating system for the education of Overseas Pakistanis children in Pakistani schools abroad. He blamed it all to the so-called division/rift between the Pakistani community in those countries. He disclosed that he wa considering to bring all such Pakistani schools abroad under the control of his Ministry and as a first step he was offering a big amount from Overseas Pakistanis money for the purchase of land for a Pakistani school in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Abdul Sattar is a highly educated person from a really educated and the second best disciplined MQM but appears to be the most misinformed Minister from amongst the present cabinet. For example in his same interview he repeated that the bank charges on remittances will be reduced. The fact is Pakistani banks abroad since about 15 years are charging nothing on remittances. So if a charge already does not exist how the Minister is going to reduce that further is a point to educated citizens. This is purely the game of his bureaucracy. While the previous Ministers for Overseas Pakistanis at least tried to do something though very little, so far Dr. Farooq has practically done nothing except for showing his this good intent and that intent. In his interview he admitted that due to his heavy engagements with his party he was not able to pay due attention to his Ministry which may perhaps too be the reason for this. The running of the Pakistani schools abroad is a complex matter the main reason of which is involvement of Pakistani embassies in those countries. Late Irshad Ahmed Haqqani once wrote two columns detailing how the concept of Pakistani community schools abroad started when some Pakistanis and their wives started teaching their own children collectively in two rooms of their own residence. The other needy Pakistanis also rushed their children there which were with open heart welcomed and soon it turned into a home based school. The Europeans living in that Arab country also started sending their children to this home-cum-school. When later it got a formal shape, the Pakistan Embassy bureaucracy entered into its affairs and since then it is the most favorite “hobby” and the “most prioritized duty” of the Pakistani Embassies all over the world. Irashad Ahmad Haqqani shedding his tears gave particularly the example of pitiable condition of Pakistan School in Bahrain. In whatever country there is a Pakistani community school the name of the Pakistan repeatedly remains coming in local press there with reference to the School there and of course the Pakistan Embassy. May it be Saudi Arabia, UAE, Syria or Bahrain the serious readers so often read stories both in Pakistan as well in the foreign press about these schools. Fortunately or unfortunately all such schools with exodus of manpower have become mega institutions with huge continuous monthly income and that is what makes the Pakistani bureaucracy uncomfortable and thus the rift “in the community” which actually is “manufactured”. As in case of our beloved country there are people always ready to become “taseers, wahabs and marvis” likewise there is no dirt of this special commodity amongst the Pakistani community abroad. These taseers, wahabs and marvis act as their peers wish and manufacture trouble amongst the community and act as “rent collectors” for the masters. In every country where there is a Pakistani community school, our embassies select their own taseers wahabs marvis who at one hand act as the cover for the embassies vested interests, on the other hand create rifts in the community. We have stitched many unique feathers in our national cap. One such was when in my presence there the national newspaper of the State of Bahrain published an article few years back titled “There is rift between Pakistan Embassy and the Pakistani community”. This was perhaps the first ever headline about any country’s embassy and its community. This newspaper was pro Pakistani and used to write up weekly a good newsletter about Pakistan. His concerned sub editor who was a Pakistani national was threatened by the Pakistan Ambassador for writing this article when the newspaper stopped this weekly pro Pakistani article. This rift was a manufactured one and the local newspapers for two years now are full of rising reports on school matters. While Irashad Haqqani wrote about worsening general affairs of these schools almost at the same time the well reputed honest notable late Pir Baniyaman Rizvi wrote two articles titled “The dear sons of our Foreign Affairs”. The veteran Pakistan movement worker stated that while earlier well influential used to struggle for getting a posting in the Customs, today the first priority to get a job is posting abroad but specifically in a country where existed a Pakistani community school. Late Rizvi further wrote that for “sons of MOFA” these schools are goldmine from for which “share” according to one’s worth properly reaches everyone upto Islamabad. He wrote that in order to prolong their stays these “MOFA Sons” send back to Islamabad stories of their unseen achievements on basis of which they get extensions in their stay. Most of these schools are under Pakistan Embassies though under so called Boards of Governors who mostly are taseers wahabs marvis. Where these community schools are under private managements the affairs are not that different. To quote there is an other Pakistani school in Bahrain which also is a community school founded 40 years ago for which each Pakistani shopkeeper, housewives, labourer donated one “Rupia”. This school today is a mega school a real gold mine. Though this school too has a Board comprising of taseers wahabs marvis but actually it is remote controlled by a single person who “business” empire day over day is increasing world over. This month’s story how a favouritee of Mr. Asif Zardari within only 5 months of his posting as Pakistan Ambassador in Syria replaced the old teachers with her wife appointed as the Principal and her daughters, grand children, cousin, children of sister in law, uncle etc on 2-3 time higher salary in the name of better education. A senior writer commenting on it questioned “was it not the first duty of a new ambassador to first see relations between the two countries” rather then prioritized the school. If one goes in study it will be found that the Ambassadors in such countries may come to embassy or not almost without fail daily visit schools. Though recently the media on the recent income declarations by the elected representatives commented that MQM parliamentarians were on top whose income rapidly increased, yet it is a well known fact that so far no finger has ever been raised against Dr. Farooq Sattar from MQM. It appears someone from the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and the Overseas Pakistanis Foundation desires as to why tables should now not get turned towards them hence raised this beautiful idea through some usual bureaucratic Summary to get control of these schools. After all the taste of spending 35 millions on “not physically present development” and many other similar cases is not forgettable and is too delicious as a new recipe for someone in the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis. Otherwise the observation a few years by the National Assembly Accounts Committee is very self explaining sincerity of the proposed move. NA Committee in its report stated that the Government, the Ministry of Overseas Pakistan and the Overseas Pakistanis Foundation have no interest with the Overseas Pakistanis whereas the India has done so and so. It is generally said that if traffic on an intersection is keep going smoothly just bring a traffic constable and it would within minutes become chaotic. If one really an honestly intends to provide proper education for the children of Overseas Pakistanis, then all direct or indirect involvement of Pakistan Embassies be prohibited and these schools be allowed to be run by the community itself. No doubt due to vested interests and the ills present in the system due to long presence of Embassies in the system the path will not clear immediately but surely as it is wisely thought that whatever is the present democracy it should let go for better to come, likewise with the passage of time and with the complete freedom from any control the community will learn to better manage in times to come.

  7. I am imporer of cell phone hardware and software components in state of kuwait and hold reasonable status in same business. The ppls from my community in china or any where are welcome to join me for the buisness.

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