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Pakistan-US: A new deal?

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By Nasim Zehra

At the April 12-13 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) organised in Washington DC on the personal initiative of US President Barack Hussain Obama, the “P” word was missing from the entire formal proceedings of the conference. The objective was to globally underscore the great risk and the grave dangers of nuclear terrorism. The bottom line was that the conference participants must deny terrorists, through strict and stringent security systems, the opportunity to make “dirty bombs”. All nuclear materials must be prevented from getting into the hands of terrorists.Read More »Pakistan-US: A new deal?



 We were in a state of war. All around blazing particles of sand and pinching dust, unkind gushes of fire-like wind, no water, no trees; with a group of journalists I was in Khairpur Tamewali , the part of the Cholistan  desert , about 70 kilometers  from Bahawalpur , the great historical city of Pakistan. We were invited there by the Directorate of Inter Services Public Relations; a department of the Pakistan Army.Read More »PAKISTAN ARMY-DETRMINATION AGAINST TERRORISM

‘Rats ate your exams,’ Nepalese students told

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KATHMANDU: Nepalese university students awaiting results of end-of-year exams may be kept in suspense for a while longer after it emerged that many of their papers had been eaten by rats. Hundreds of unmarked exam papers from Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan University were handed to a local police station to be kept under lock and key, but were inadvertently placed in a store room infested with rats, a police official told AFP. Read More »‘Rats ate your exams,’ Nepalese students told


By Muhammad Javed
Some of our Talqeen Shahs very innocently “Allhamadolliah” do not let any chance gone by from disbursing their pearls of wisdom in rendering their free advice. One such Mr. Qudrat Ullah from Lahore often blesses the letters to editor pages and has the other day appreciated how just on advice of Raja Muhammad Anwar, Chairman Chief Minister Taskforce on Elementary Education Punjab, the students of Government High School Sadohwalla collected themselves Rs. 35,000 for their class furniture.Read More »GIVE THIS TIN CUP TO…



After going through different Indian newspapers and pondering over the statements of the Indian politicians and after analyzing the findings of Indian army and the Indian intelligence agencies, it seems that the ISI is going to take the charge of India very soon.. From Ajmal Kassab to David Hadley and from the separatist movements in the North-eastern states of India to the horrible Mumbai attacks, ISI is always there. Thank God that ISI has not yet been blamed for the deafness of the former Indian Army Chief General Deepak Kapur .One is compelled to think what are the Raw and the Indian Army doing if the ISI has become so much influential in India. If the Indian security agencies are so helpless that they cannot stop the interference, or I must say the ‘Invasion’ of the ISI, they should simply resign and make them busy in doing something of lesser worth.Read More »INNOCENT ALLEGATIONS


Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan 1. What is the significance of recent Dushanbe summit? At a four-nation security summit recently held the Presidents of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and Tajikistan agreed to intensify fight against drug trafficking in the… Read More »INTERVIEW WITH THE ZUBAYDOV ZUBAYDULLO NAJOTOVICH HONORABLE AMBASSADOR OF TAJIKISTAN IN PAKISTAN

Managing Pakistan: National Values … Episode II

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A nation, like a business unit, cannot progress and earn a goodwill, without a set of fine values. The founder of Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, outlined 3 core values. JustujuTv is highlighting this management and educational aspect in a series of talks with Pakistani intellectuals. Here Editor In-Chief, Daily Jasarat, Mr. Athar Hashmi is enlightening us.


The Pak-US strategic dialogues held in the last week of March, 2010 could have been more fruitful if the  US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had not bestowed upon  Pakistan the status of being a ‘priority’ in US strategic plan. In her preface to the dialogues she lauded the role of Pakistan towards establishment of peace in South Asia and termed the security and stability of Pakistan as a ‘top priority’.Read More »PARTNERSHIP AND PRIORITY- ALI SUKHANVER

Managing Pakistan: National Values – Unity, Discipline, Faith + + +

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The world and its components, the countries and territories, require a management of its resources, its people, and follow a set of laws and practices to remain a peaceful and dignified country. Thus it requires a Vision, a Mission, and a set of Values to abide by to progress. Both in terms of Morals, and Economics.