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Political turmoil, economic disorder, scarcity of energy resources and no doubt above all the ever growing population; the developing countries have their own particular problems throughout the world. All these problems join hand together and ultimately create sky-kissing hurdles in the way to stability and prosperity of these countries.Read More »SUSPICIOUS HELPING HANDS



 Of brain, heart and hands, no doubt, the brain is always the most important gadget in the whole of human machinery. The brainless actions guided by an eager heart always lead to a whole-sale catastrophe. Successful are those who think well before they leap; whose actions are under the command of their brain not their heart. .The actual problem begins when our heart starts thinking and becomes the controlling authority of all our actions. Ruling all over the world without any sharing and interference is a natural desire of every living nation but most of the times this desire remains a dream when it is not patronized by the brain. At present the USA is trying to materialize its same type of dreams in a very irrational and illogical way; the dream of invading and conquering the countries like Pakistan.Read More »SOWING INJUSTICE REAPING TERRORISM

The Case for Education in Balochistan-By Bushra Zulfiqar

Education is not only the path towards economic development and social progress but it essentially is also the push factor towards human excellence and intellectual liberation. It is the art of knowledge creation and the pursuit of unraveling the ultimate truths of universe, which intensely captivates human intellect. Education, if looked at objectively is the only way to achieve the God gifted potential of human mind, the brain power.Read More »The Case for Education in Balochistan-By Bushra Zulfiqar

Poppy love: forget heroin, start worrying about Khaskhash

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By Ikram Hoti

ISLAMABAD: Is Turkey the new poppy Helmand of Europe? Is the question worrying many key diplomats in Islamabad who are aware of the ongoing probe into the seizure of a 13-container load of poppy seeds (called Khaskhash in Urdu), which had been cleared by the Customs and had already been loaded onto a waiting cargo ship? What has set the alarm bells ringing is the realisation that only a highly organised network could have collected almost 224,000 kg of the commodity from small and medium traders, then packed it marked as rice, and bribed its way through Customs to ship the entire lot to Turkey, where a region is said to offer excellent soil and environment for growing poppy, which provides opium and which, in turn, is the raw material for producing heroin.Read More »Poppy love: forget heroin, start worrying about Khaskhash

Pakistan, Russia top list of ‘non-smiling’ nations

  Associated Press of Pakistan

Pakistan, Croatia and Russia have topped a list of countries where people sitting behind shop and office counters have a surly attitude and find it difficult to smile. Quoting a poll conducted by Nextep agency, Moscow News reported that only 34 percent of shop owners and officials in Croatia and Pakistan smile at people, while Russia came second with 65 percent.Read More »Pakistan, Russia top list of ‘non-smiling’ nations