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US Congressmen Call For Resolution of Kashmir

Washington 29 July 2010:  The underway youth led, indigenous and spontaneous movement, non-violent pluralistic and resilient youth   for right to self-determination in Jammu and Kashmir is at a critical juncture calls upon the United Nations to ‘lead the effort to achieve a fair and lasting settlement of the Kashmir dispute’, were the opening remarks of Dr. Ghulam Nabi at the inaugural session of the two day Eleventh International Kashmir Peace Conference organizaied by the Kashmiri American Council/ Kashmir Centre and Association of Humanitarian Lawyers in Washington wall.
The conference held in glittering hall of the Cannon Building  in the Capitol Hill was attended by  large number of delegates from India, Pakistan, both the sides of Jammu and Kashmir, Kashmir Diaspora from all over the world, United State’s thinks, Congressmen,  diplomats from various countries stationed in Washington D.C., prominent US columnists and opinion makers.Read More »US Congressmen Call For Resolution of Kashmir

Pakistani Cellular operators directed to sell SIMs by mail

By Muhammad Yasir

Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik has directed all cellular operators to establish a system to sell SIM (Subscribers Identity Modules) by post to applicant subscribers within 15 days.

Briefing the media at the conclusion of exclusive meeting on prevailing law and order situation of Karachi, he said every mobile phone company should ensure accurate SIM registration with Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC) number of subscribers on war footing being used illegally in terrorist attacks.Read More »Pakistani Cellular operators directed to sell SIMs by mail


Why do people commit suicide? Are they really fed up with their life or the circumstances around them compel them to do so? According to various psycho-analysts suicide is nothing but an extempore reaction of some emotional disturbance resulting by some unexpected failure or some irreparable loss. Most of the time a feeling of helplessness in response to some injustice also forces a man to deprive himself of his life; surely the most precious thing one has. The phenomenon of suicide is not limited to those who are physically week or spiritually fragile; sometimes people having a very strong physical condition and unbeatable type of nervous system also fall a prey to this ‘helpless – reaction’. Discussing the increasing rate of suicide, generally in the American society and particularly in the US army, Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki said at a suicide prevention conference, “Of the more than 30,000 suicides in this country each year, fully 20% of them are acts by veterans. That means on average 18 veterans commit suicide each day. Five of those veterans are under our care at VA. So losing five veterans who are in treatment every month, and then not having a shot at the other 13 who for some reason haven’t come under our care, means that we have a lot of work to do.”


The benefits of singing — give it a try!

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Almost everyone loves music and whether you have a good singing voice or not, you surely love to sing or hum a song that takes your fancy. You can even sing out loud — it’s called ‘bathroom singing’ because you do it in privacy and what place could be more private? If by chance you are blessed with a good voice you can reach for the stars and become one yourself or remain down to earth and just entertain your friends and family whenever you feel like it.

After watching a very popular music show on TV last night it was noticed that the performers — musicians and vocalists — all appeared to be having a good time besides providing listeners with quality entertainment. It brought home the fact that music in all its forms is one of the best therapies for most ills, as it puts you in a mood to love rather than hate one another!
Read More »The benefits of singing — give it a try!

Pakistan top on porn search: Google denies

ISLAMABAD: Google officially denied the accuracy of its search trends that declared Pakistan as the top nation searching for illicit material on the internet, according to Dawn sources.

Internet Service Provider Association of Pakistan has also declared statistics regarding pornography in Pakistan as flawed.

Earlier based on these findings, a number of foreign newspapers and websites started humiliating Pakistani nation and even maligned the country’s name.Read More »Pakistan top on porn search: Google denies