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Match-fixing allegations hit England v Pakistan Test at Lord’s

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Gaurdian Report

Man arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud bookmakers over no-ball deliveries during current Test at Lord’s

England’s Test match against Pakistan was embroiled in scandal last night after police arrested a man reported to be at the centre of a huge match-fixing ring. Play is due to resume at Lord’s today overshadowed by allegations that several members of the Pakistan team were involved in cheating during the game.

The News of the World alleged that two bowlers, Mohammad Amir and Mohammad Asif, delivered three deliberate no-balls against England on Thursday and Friday – in line with the predictions of an alleged middle man in London who met undercover reporters posing as members of a gambling cartel.

A police investigation is now under way and a Scotland Yard spokesman said last night: “We have today arrested a 35-year-old man on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud bookmakers.”Read More »Match-fixing allegations hit England v Pakistan Test at Lord’s

ISLAMABAD: Airblue cockpit had a third person

By Imran Ali Teepu

A team investigating the crash of the ill-fated Airblue jetliner on July 28 in Islamabad has detected the possible presence of a third person in the cockpit. Under normal circumstances, a cockpit is not supposed to have anyone other than the pilot and the co-pilot.

“The investigators have reportedly heard the voice of a third person in the cockpit of the Airblue jetliner,” a source close to the investigation told Dawn on condition of anonymity.

The voice has been extracted from the Cockpit Voice Recorder, according to the source, and the investigators were looking into various possibilities and aspects.
Read More »ISLAMABAD: Airblue cockpit had a third person


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Suppression and oppression give birth to depression; the worst of all psychological diseases. Most of the time violence is a result of depression. When someone feels that he is being deprived of his basic human rights and finds himself unable to raise a voice against that deprivation and injustice, he turns to violence. Unfortunately this resultant violence is being given the name of terrorism, in case of the Muslims all over the world. Militancy, extremism and fundamentalism; all are different forms of reaction born out of injustice and suppression. The so-called terrorism is nothing but an out come of oppression which the Muslims have been bearing for the last many decades. The Al-Qaeda , The Taliban , The Harkat-ul-Mujahideen and so many other organizations are different colours of Intifada;  an Arabic word , literally meaning  shaking off and usually translated into English as uprising or resistance or rebellion.



Since about six months a lot was being read in print and heard on the Screen, in the backdrop of increasing public eyes raising, the loud talk that the Sindh Government including  Mr. Asif Ali Zardari as PPP head was now so serious in tackling Mafias particularly the Land Mafia. After so much and so long big mouth openings the result came in shape of an action plan under which area SHO is to list out names of known criminals, gangsters and land grabbers and send it to the IGP and Rangers to target actions in consultation with home minister and a special cell of intelligence bureau and the ISI to co ordinate with local police.  People who could help inform the authorities about any “criminals or gangsters or target killers were asked to pass on such information to the authorities. The most interesting and in fact a mirror showing what actually would be the net product at the end is that such civic minded people have been advised to inform the concerned at an email which is of flood control people.  So in our today’s good governance the land mafia is to be tackled and handled by flood control people and likewise Traffic Accidents would be controlled perhaps by Customs Department. Though not surprising for this senior citizen as like silent majority he knows well that the general security that of masses and of land is not of any importance since a decade for our rules but only of themselves and their families,  yet was pained to see that despite spending huge on wasteful computerization and Departmental websites  from the national exchequer of this debit ridden country the email address for passing such sensitive information is associated with unsecured free Hotmail purely in hands of “world policeman” territory.Read More »TRAFFIC CONTROL BY CUSTOMS-By Muhammad Javed


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Life is a battle of survival and propaganda is the most effective tool in this battle. From Iraq to Afghanistan and from the Mumbai attacks to the Time Square Bombing Plan, we find a masterly use of this tool. If we exclude the element of propaganda from the present world scenario we would find nothing but a blank sheet. Propaganda has no doubt achieved the status of an industry. No country can make progress without giving extra-ordinary emphasis and importance to this industry. Almost all countries have their well-regimented and well organized propaganda teams working under the command of highly trained professionals including various journalists, newsmen, intelligence officers, TV anchors ,computer experts and web-designers from all over the world. They all join their heads together and try to plan out new and novel type of propaganda strategies. The WikiLeaks is also the outcome of such a joint venture. Yet it is not clear whose interests this website is looking after.


A chance to build a new Pakistan

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Islamabad diary  By Ayaz Amir

In the waters of the devastation hitting Pakistan lies a chance to reinvent our condition by washing away the regrets of the last 63 years and laying the foundations of a new temple. But only if we have the courage and vision to think on these lines.

What would Maoist China have done? It would not have moped or looked to foreigners for help. It would have acted out the cliché of turning grief into strength. What did the Japanese and Germans after suffering unspeakable destruction in the Second World War? They picked up the pieces and from the ruins came resurrection. A similar chance awaits us provided we can muster the same resolve.
Read More »A chance to build a new Pakistan

Indian man re-launches East India Company

London—An Indian entrepreneur is relaunching the East India Company with the opening of a store in London Saturday, after buying the remnants of the British trading giant that once ruled much of the subcontinent.

The company took control of large swathes of the region during the 1700s as it expanded rapidly on the back of its trading activities, before power over India was formally handed to London in the 19th century.

But the firm, which had grown so huge it boasted its own currency and army, was dissolved in 1874. A tiny rump of the company lived on, however, consisting of its trading name and a small tea and coffee concern.Read More »Indian man re-launches East India Company

Globalization & Neo-Liberal Work Force: A Gendered Analysis of Perpetual In-Equalities

By Bushra Zulfiqar

 Globalization has yielded a series of intensified, entrenched and complex processes of economic, social and spatial restructuring of the world. It has differentiated outcomes for people depending upon their geography, social, spatial and ideological contexts. Analysing globalization stretches over multiple layers of economic, social, cultural and political realms. It is not possible to understand the global processes of economic and spatial restructuring without looking at the ways in which it has effected gendered constructs, dynamics and subjectivities. Globalization has indeed led to the re-organization of intimate relations i.e. organization of relations between people, inter and intra household dynamics, power relations and decision making processes, access and control over resources, responsibilities of monetary contribution and domestic labour. This essay will try to chart out the shifts in labour arrangements as a result of contemporary economic, social and spatial restructuring and try to identify the ways it has transformed the organization of intimate relations regarding gender roles, relations and subjectivities.      Read More »Globalization & Neo-Liberal Work Force: A Gendered Analysis of Perpetual In-Equalities



Hard times not only boost up the morale of a nation but also bring the distressed people closer. Disasters and calamities test the valour and determination of a nation. Wars, earth quakes, floods and famines give birth to a new generation.  Since the 9/11 incident, the Pakistani nation has been passing through an endless series of repeated trials and tribulations. For the people of Pakistan, life is no more a bed of roses but they are continuously struggling hard to change this pathetic scenario. In spite of countless hurdles and endless obstructions, it is next to impossible to find even a single person in a state of depression and dejection, here in Pakistan. Be it the terrifying wave of terrorism or the sketch of the new world order drawn by the western authorities, the horrible earth quake of 2005 or the ever worst energy crisis ; the people of Pakistan are always in a state of exemplary fortitude and determination. The recent cruel series of rains and flood is no doubt the toughest trial for every one in Pakistan but you could find no feeling of despair and hopelessness even among those who have lost all they had. ‘Water water every where but not a single drop to drink’; that is the situation the people of Pakistan are facing now-a-days but they know that disasters test the valor and gallantry of a nation. So they are doing their best to prove them an undefeatable nation with all their courage and determination. After handing over the overflowing water to the sea, the rivers would again return to the normal but the consequences would be no doubt very deep rooted and painfully long lasting.Read More »RAGING WATERS IN PAKISTAN