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Is It the Right Time to Overthrow the Democratic Government?

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  What should we do when it is obvious that the state is failing rapidly? Should we rely on a failed democracy? Should we stay silent knowingly that the elected leaders are incompetent, corrupt and destroying the country? The democracy in Pakistan has failed over and over again. There is no doubt that the democratic system of the government provides fairness and progress, not only on social grounds, but also economically benefits the country. Instead, we have experienced the social decay and weak economy during the democratic governments. The democracy seems to bring in the worst ethnic feelings among provinces in Pakistan. The political parties are more bigoted than the people of Pakistan- They exploit their constituency by bringing out the uncalled fears of others. From Nawaz Sharif’s “Jag Punjabi Jag” to Zardari regular threats to the state on Sindh card to Baluchistan’s separatism and popularity of Taliban in Pakhtoonkhwa and the killing of Pathans in Karachi, the country is coming apart. In the Pakistani style democracy, the feudal lords, Jagirdars, vaderas and rich get the best opportunity to expand their power and making money. If the democracy cannot provide security and bring about the happiness to its people, what is the purpose of a democratic dispensation that denies all the virtues of a democratic government? There are no individual rights and protection to the minorities. In the absence of utilitarian consideration of democracy, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer as the elected rich groups and their cronies make more money through corruption.Read More »Is It the Right Time to Overthrow the Democratic Government?

Musharraf plans show of power in UK

LONDON: Barely two months after the Pakistani state-sponsored rally of President Asif Ali Zardari in the city of Birmingham, former president Pervez Musharraf will address a major public rally in the same city.
Scheduled for 3rd of October in Britain’s second largest city after London, the Oval Banqueting Suite in Birmingham’s Spark hill area has been chosen by supporters of Musharraf to demonstrate that the self-exiled leader of the newly formed party, All Pakistan Muslim League (APML), has a lot of muscle to flex and enjoys the support of Pakistanis abroad.Read More »Musharraf plans show of power in UK

United Arab Emirates continued Health Care Programs in Pakistan

Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

From UAE dynasties to dynamics every one is fully committed and wholeheartedly engaged with the ongoing relief operations and health services in different parts of Pakistan. UAE’s intensive relief operation in Pakistan once again proves its full commitment to humanitarian and ethical responsibilities and its keen interest to save lives and human dignity.

Read More »United Arab Emirates continued Health Care Programs in Pakistan

Ideology, Islam & the West

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Bushra Zulfiqar
I have always found the blanket and almost decisive division between the liberals and extremists very artificial, un-substantative and mostly untrue of the multiple realms within which these ideologies operate. There are individuals, societies, ideas, cultures and actions which are either or nor or both or one of the two but the distinction cannot be so clear cut and simple. Liberalism cannot always be equated with objectivity and rationality just as extremism does not necessarily mean bombings, arms and violence. In my view, these are two famously infamous concepts which basically represent a state of being, a stage of evolution or a natural cyclical process of life influenced by external factors, be it of an individual or a society at large. Read More »Ideology, Islam & the West

Why hope remains for Pakistan?

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By Mustafa Farooq

As I climbed onto the tarmac at the Benazir Bhutto airport in Islamabad, the rain drenched my copy of the Daily Telegraph in my hand, rendering it almost unreadable by the time I got into the terminal. But it didn’t really matter; the newspapers were really repeating the same thing in different ways. The flooding, massive economic degradation, scandal, corruption, and terrorism have all become enmeshed into the single term that embodies Pakistan in the newspapers today; we are to believe that the end is nigh, or at least shortly on the horizon. Read More »Why hope remains for Pakistan?


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 Is it the climax of love or the peak of hatred that Selig Harrison talks of nothing but Pakistan and the ISI? He is a well known journalist, at present, working as the director of the Asia Program at the Center for International Policy and a senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Once he had been the Bureau Chief of the Washington Post in Asia. His sole aim of life has always been to hold Pakistan responsible for every act of terrorism throughout the world. Here is an extract from his statement which he made in July 2002 while addressing a seminar at Woodrow Wilson Center of International Scholars. The topic of discussion was Human Rights Violations in Indian Held Kashmir. “It is good news that the American press had finally discovered the activities of the ISI. This spy agency is playing a very active role in bringing jehadis from all over the world to Afghanistan and helping them to train as terrorists but  activities which ISI is carrying out in Kashmir have  never been the focus of the American media..”Read More »SELIG HARRISON-REPUTE AND CREDIBILITY

Super Flood’s Socio-Economic Implications and Response of Islamic Countries

Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

Pakistan is passing through a severest super flood which has already produced multiplier effects in its socio-economic fabrics. According to the latest report of the UN (August, 2010), the number of people suffering from the massive floods in Pakistan exceeds to 30, more than the combined total of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the 2005 Kashmir earthquake and the 2010 Haiti earthquake. According to the official estimations the most affected province is Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Read More »Super Flood’s Socio-Economic Implications and Response of Islamic Countries

The secularism in Pakistan- By Qaisar Sultan

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The debate regarding the secularism is complex and divisive in a fanatical society as ours. After sixty three years, we are still engaged in the debate if Pakistan was created as a theocratic state (Islamic state) or just for the Muslim minority in the majority Hindu India. When Mr. Gandhi alluded to the brotherhood between himself and Mr. Jinnah, he countered the ploy by suggesting that Mr. Gandhi had four votes against one of mine, meaning under that set up the Hindu majority would dominate the Muslims- That was the clarity of Mr. Jinnah. We know that he was not a religious man. Most of his friends before joining the Muslim leagues were Hindu and Parsi intellectuals. The Muslims intellectuals of India were mostly orthodox. Mr. Jinnah hardly practiced the religion; and ate and drank that his heart desired; he loved dogs. After his law education, he wanted to be an actor and was hired to play a role in a prestigious theater company in Shakespearian play; he was a liberal and westernized man. Mr. Jinnah’s ideas about a secular state was not even possible due to religious mind set of his followers; most of them waited for him to die so that they could change everything that he believed in- He was truly  an enlightened and secular man.Read More »The secularism in Pakistan- By Qaisar Sultan

Many ex-Nazims in touch with Musharraf

A large number of former district nazims have started approaching former president General (R) Pervez Musharraf, who is set to formally jump into the political arena next month, it was reliably learnt here on Sunday.
“Over 70 former district nazims are in contact with the former president and will attend an important meeting of the All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) in London next month,” a reliable source told The News, requesting anonymity.
When contacted, Chaudhry Fawad advocate, adviser to Musharraf on political affairs and his counsel in court cases, confirmed that many former district nazims are in touch with the former president. Read More »Many ex-Nazims in touch with Musharraf