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 December 25 of every year reminds me of a marvelous philosophical saying; Life is like a tennis match. If you want to win, you must serve well, return well and play coolly. Always remember that the game begins with Love all; this saying freshens my mind with the memories of all those who conquered this world with the sword of love and affection, particularly of the Holy Christ and Mr. Mohammed Ali Jinnah., no doubt two immortal personalities; one who brought the heavenly message of benevolence and kindheartedness for the whole humanity and the other who gave a new life to the ever-crushed and ever-trampled Muslims of the Indian Sub-continent. He proved that it is not the history which makes the people immortal; it is their determination and the commitment to their goal which transforms them into the eternal.Read More »THANK YOU MR. JINNAH

Pakistan Politics: Maggots eating away the decaying body

By Qaisar Sultan

When the process of decay in Pakistani politics, education and morals corded the state at its core? Few like to start with general Ayuab Khan; some blame Bhutto; many believe general Zia who destroyed the civility of the state; and the younger generation knows only the star of modern politics in Pakistan that started with Benazir and Nawaz Sharif, bringing in the corruption and family politics. Nawaz and ruling party leadership are now pointing the figure at general Musharraf- He was a prince among the thieves. I think that the whole country, including the most leaders of the world, with some exceptions, get clear picture that Zardari is the last straw breaking the camel’s hump. The process of the decay has changed into a lump of rotten body being chewed up by the maggots, the politicians, the military, bureaucrats, office workers, legislators and anybody who is somebody important. Most honest and decent men and women are mere spectators to watch the demise of something so sacred, a nation that was and still is their dream. Read More »Pakistan Politics: Maggots eating away the decaying body


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It is still an ambiguity why was the ‘innocent’ Julian Assange pushed behind the bars. According to the details he has been arrested for the alleged rape and molestation of two women though he has been denying the charges since the day first. According to The News-Worthy Info, a lawyer for the two Swedish women who are accusing Assange for molesting and raping them said that the charges are in no way politically motivated and that “the women are angry at that suggestion”. Claes Borgstrom the attorney said, “They were attacked by Mr. Assange and then they are treated like perpetrators themselves. He has molested them and then sacrificed them for his own interests”. Mr. Assange, a 39-year-old Australian, was arrested in London last week accused of four sexual assaults, including one charge of rape on the women in Stockholm in August. He has denied the charges, insisting the sex with the women was consensual. Christine Assange, his mother has a different opinion regarding the arrest of her son. Talking to the media-men in Melbourne she said, “my son is facing massive forces who have decided to stop him violating all rules and regulations.’ The Wikileaks organizers also express the same point of view. They say that the rape charges against Mr. Assange are in fact baseless allegations levied upon him as a reaction of the Wikileaks breaking revelations.Read More »US STRATEGY OF ‘LOVE AND LEAVE’

Gulf Cooperation Council leaders pledge their support for the flood inflicted people of Pakistan

By Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan Abu Dhabi, Dec 7: At the 31th GCC summit concluding session the leaders once again reassured their commitments and extension of humanitarian assistance to the government and people of Pakistan. They also… Read More »Gulf Cooperation Council leaders pledge their support for the flood inflicted people of Pakistan

Ignominious WikiLeaks-By Qaisar Sultan

WikiLeaks has taken over the fancy of news seekers all over the world. To some of us, it was a positive and fair use for the technology. Julian Assange has described how he retrieved the information. The problem was that lot information was given to Assange by Bradley Manning, an intelligent analyst, working in California. Manning who voluntarily gave the details of secret documents to Assange, had the access to the security network. He infiltrated into secret documents through SPIRnet, used by the US defense and state department and Joint worldwide Intelligence Communication System for the files of classified top secrets-That was illegal. Freedom of speech, the latitude allowed in the dissemination of information and news and the flexible codes in these matters do not warrant to retrieve and to open to the world news media that is considered secret by the American government.Read More »Ignominious WikiLeaks-By Qaisar Sultan

WikiLeaks: ‘Mutual distrust’ hallmark of US-Pakistan relationship

Classified By: Anne W. Patterson, for reasons 1.4 (b)(d)

As Foreign Minister Qureshi and his team arrive in Washington for coordination on the Holbrooke/Riedel strategic review, Post offers the following thoughts on issues for strategic engagement. In the coming weeks, Post will detail our suggestions on how to expand political, economic, security, and intelligence engagement with Pakistan from the current $2 billion annually to $4 billion beginning in FY2011.Read More »WikiLeaks: ‘Mutual distrust’ hallmark of US-Pakistan relationship

WikiLeaks: What Taliban leader could tell about ISI

Classified By: Anne W. Patterson for reasons 1.4 (b) (d) Feb 26, 2010

American anxiety over the fate of Mullah Brader, a Taliban leader captured in Karachi in February 2010. A court decision preventing Brader’s extradition to Afghanistan comes amid renewed anti-American hostility in the media. The Americans speculate that the Pakistanis might swap Brader for a Baloch nationalist leader hiding in Kabul, but feel he ‘knows too much’.

The Beradar arrest was raised at a February 24 tripartite meeting of FBI Director Robert Mueller, Minister Rehman Malik of the Pakistan Ministry of Interior, and Minister Atmar Hanif of the Afghan Ministry of Interior in Islamabad. There was no agreement from either side about the transfer of “wanted persons.”Read More »WikiLeaks: What Taliban leader could tell about ISI

WikiLeaks: Kayani doesn’t want to see Nawaz ruling

* WikiLeaks reports reveal Kayani mulled ousting Zardari, backing Asfandyar for new president during March 2009 political crisis

* COAS distrusts Nawaz more than Zardari

WikiLeaks, in its latest supply of reports, revealed that Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kayani told former US ambassador Anne Patterson in a meeting in March 2009 that he did not want to see PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif ruling the country, according to a US embassy communiqué sent to Washington.Read More »WikiLeaks: Kayani doesn’t want to see Nawaz ruling