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By Qaisar Sultan

The religious fervor finds solace in murdering and maiming the voice of reason; and that was the cause of murder of the governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, a true liberal and secular leader- Is there any place safe in Pakistan for an enlightened man like him? Why a man of his intelligence would stay in politics and made enlightened views known to those, deprived of reason and civility? The murder of Salman Taseer was the murder of the voice of reason and courage. May be we, as a nation, should begin soul searching for what kind of future state we wish to live in; something closer to Afghanistan? The other bold and courageous voice of Shari Rehman may be curbed if she stayed too long in the land of murder and mayhem. Read More »Tolerance

Corruption rises in Pakistani Kashmir

By Zafar Iqbal

The misconduct of political elite and top government functionaries suggests that Pakistan Administered Jammu & Kashmir (PAJK), commonly known as Azad (free) Kashmir, is literally free from the burden of all rules, regulations and laws.

Surprisingly, in a rampant political and administrative corrupt regime a member of ruling political party has been disqualified over deception and misconduct. On October 29 the AJK Minister Chaudhry Rukhsar was ejected from the parliament when the Supreme Court of the semi-autonomous region, proved him guilty of submitting forged educational documents to prove his eligibility as a candidate in the election process. The MLA of the ruling Muslim Conference from southern Mirpur district had sent bogus certificates of O and A levels of British educational standards.Read More »Corruption rises in Pakistani Kashmir

Pakistan’s Real War: Progress vs Poison

By Bushra Zulfiqar

What a beginning of a new decade! Only when domestic politics in Pakistan seemed murkier, jolting between continuity and coalition, the brutal assassination of Salman Taseer has come as a big, big blow. Tasser although a controversial figure had in the recent past courageously criticized the radical and fundamentalist elements in Pakistani society by supporting Asia Bibi and terming the blasphemy laws, black and discriminatory which had no place in Jinnah’s minorities respecting Pakistan. Few politicians dared to be as courageous even the famously infamous interior minister was quick in giving Government’s assurances of not tinkering with this fundamentally oppressive piece of legislation. A secular, progressive and key figure in Pakistan’s political scenario has been lost, lost to a mind set as from what it seems is a murder resulted from ideologically fuelled hate.  The People’s Party of course is using it as an opportunity to gain it’s lost ground and public sympathy by pointing fingers towards the PMLN.Read More »Pakistan’s Real War: Progress vs Poison

The Blasphemy law-By Qaisar Sultan

The vehemence of religious parties in Pakistan in favor of killing Assai Begum is both religiously and politically driven. You read about religious politicians asking for the death sentence and not less. Are they sure that this woman had made those comments. They have to prove the love of God and His prophet; and ignoring the true spirit of religion. In Islamic jurisprudence, the true justice was the purest spirit. They did not like to commit injustice by listening and relying on hearsay and innuendoes. And even in the blasphemy issue they were highly sensitive to taking human life. Is it not the Sharia law that allows some relief to the indicted person to give benefit of doubt? A religion of justice and compassion should not be maligned by politically driven zealots. In a politically charged environment where everything is about power and procession, we should be extremely careful about taking someone life. There is a clause in the blasphemy laws that suggest if the blasphemer recants or shows repentance and remorse than the person should be forgiven. There is another course of action that permits the accused to leave the country. How they could wish to persecute a woman who denied the allegation by telling the prosecutor that she was framed by two women who she had some dispute. In fact, those two women, who have brought the allegation, should be cross examined, and a discovery should be established to find the truth. The blasphemy laws that are based on the Sharia laws have a history of disagreement and revival throughout Islamic rules and era. Here we are presenting our religion to the world ruled by an angry mob mentality.Read More »The Blasphemy law-By Qaisar Sultan