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Let us NOT forget Asia Bibi

By Bushra Zulfiqar

21st January 2011

Once again no condemnation of the brutal assassination of Salma Taseer Shaheed is enough. As a debate has encircled in and outside of Pakistan about the extremist and the moderates Muslim identity, once again the country is at cross roads. People suddenly are under pressure to declare themselves as liberals or fundamentalists minded followers of religion. In the weeks following the assassination, reactions have also been confrontational and completely poles apart. There is the clerics segment and secretarian crass glorifying the assassin, rewarding him with superior titles  like ‘Gazi’ and yet there is another section of larger civil society and social activists openly denouncing this crime and the celebration that followed. There is also a huge majority sitting on the fence and not siding with one or the either, largely due to the fear of being Read More »Let us NOT forget Asia Bibi


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The river-water issue is one of the most grievous problems which would never let India and Pakistan come close to each other if not timely and properly taken care of. India is curtailing the down stream water coming towards Pakistan by making dams at various points; and all this is being done in violation of the Indus Water Treaty. Currently there are three major water disputes, which include Baglihar Hydroelectric Plant, Kishenganga Hydroelectric Plant and Wuller Barrage.Read More »WATER CONSPIRACY

The Civil Discourse

By Qaisar Sultan

The brittleness of our thought process, especially in the matters of faith, makes us to suffer from an impenetrable barrier to reason. Instead of being tolerant to other faiths, there is a common desire to prove them wrong. We have witnessed the clashes of faith, resulting in deaths of millions. The history is full of heroes on all sides fighting to destroy other faiths, if they could. The pride in the killings with a sense of nobility and piety is beyond the ethical and moral norms of all faiths.  The display of arrogance, brawling and affront, anger and malice reduce us as people. What has happened to “O believers of the Book, be not unduly immoderate in your religion”-5.77.  It is the humility and understanding of other point views, no matter how outlandish it may sound, that gives room for reconciliation and appreciation of ideas opposed to ours. There is no Read More »The Civil Discourse



Every year on 15 January, the Indian Army celebrates Army Day to commemorate the appointment of Lt Gen (later Field Marshal) KM Kariappa as Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army in place of Sir Francis Butcher, the last British Commander in 1949.  Since then it has been a tradition to present the gallantry and distinguished service awards to the deserving soldiers on this day.  The awards are presented by the Army Commanders in each of the Commands of the Indian Army. Even this year the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Northern Command, Lt Gen K.T Parnaik, presented 57 Sena Medals and five Vishisht Seva Medals to the awardees for their out standing performance in the Indian Occupied Kashmir. General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Northern Command’s Appreciation Cards were also presented to twenty two units from different arms and services which excelled in their respective operational duties in last one year. President, Family Welfare Organization of Northern Command, Mrs. Anagha Parnaik also interacted with the families of brave soldiers and encouraged them to continue their unstinted support to their spouses in performance of their duty.Read More »NEW BORN INDIAN SOLDIERS



“It’s not Muslims, but Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) activists who planned and executed the bomb blasts at Malegaon in 2006, on the Samjhauta Express in 2007, in Ajmer Sharif in 2007 and Mecca Masjid in 2007,” confessed Swami Aseemanand, the main accused of 2007 Samjhauta Express blast in front of a magistrate at a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court. Aseemanand said it was his interaction with one of the ‘innocent’ Muslim youths in jail that has led to his confession. The weekly Tehelka magazine has recently published a 42-page signed statement of Swami Aseemanand, written in Hindi. The Swami admitted in the statement that it was his conscience which compelled him to make this confession.Read More »SAMJHAUTA EXPRESS-2007