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United Arab Emirates has been put on the armaments industry map by the successful holding of successive IDEX

It is one of the important lessons of all the splendid ancient dynasties and modern day wars for power pursuits that self defence is the best defence and relies on indigenous armaments industry always guarantees safety of the national strategic assets and protects the desired goals of foreign policy and socio-economic plans. It is also one of the key philosophies and curial factors of colonialism, communism, social democracy, imperialism or free market arena that weakness always tends to encourage aggression, subjugation, socio-economic embargos and above all political isolation. So a strong deterrence has become the symbol of survival in the hot pursuits of power, domination and possession in power struggle of today complicated world. Read More »INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE IDEX 2011



The huge explosion outside the office of a sensitive agency in Faisalabad on 8th of March took lives of more than 30 people leaving more than 100 injured. This explosion was not only another desperate attempt to destabilize Pakistan but also a futile effort to keep the law-enforcing agencies away from their devoted objective of fighting against terrorism. The people behind such type of heinous activities are living in a fool’s paradise; they think that they would succeed in frightening the nation and in convincing the people to follow and support terrorist designs. But the facts are absolutely otherwise. According to the authentic media reports since July 2007, some 4,000 people have been killed in bomb blasts, suicide and gun attacks which mostly targeted the security officials and the people from the law-enforcing agencies but after every blast and suicidal attack we find our security agencies working more forcefully than ever before. Terrorist attacks in Pakistan are out rightly condemned and openly rejected by all Read More »THE ENGINEERS OF TERRORISM IN PAKISTAN


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Is it a logical bartering? Do General Pasha and Raymond Davis enjoy the same status? The Chief of an Intelligence agency on one hand and a killer on the other; is it a fair bargain? According to a recent report in media, the US authorities have linked the immunity of General Pasha, the ISI chief, to the demanded immunity to Raymond Davis. The report says, “The US has linked sovereign immunity for ISI chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha in a lawsuit filed by relatives of victims of the Mumbai attacks in a Brooklyn court to the diplomatic immunity for an American arrested for the Lahore double murder. The US administration appears willing to claim sovereign immunity for the ISI chief in this case provided Pakistan also granted diplomatic immunity to Raymond Davis.” It seems that from President Obama to Senator John Kerry, the whole of the US machinery has concentrated all its force and ability simply on one point; the grant of immunity to Raymond Davis. This over consciousness and extra-caring of the US hi-ups for an ordinary CIA agent adds suspicions to the gravity of situation. Surely there must be something more serious and more sensitive behind the scene which has compelled the President of the world’s only super power to cry for an ordinary secret agent.Read More »CIA IN TROUBLE

TIME-By Qaisar Sultan

As we start growing old, we feel that the time is flying. Before you know it, another year just passed by; and we celebrated the birthday and a new year. Where does time go? Is it going to any particular destination or to an end? Is it a reality? Does time have soul? Time cannot be a thing. In order to have an existence, it has to come to an end. It has to be a changeable existence. The ancient thinkers thought that it is just an illusion. Sophist and Buddhists monk did not know the thermodynamic time-symmetry. That is why they only knew the past and very little about future- we do not know much about future now.  The non-stop change is measured by the clock and watches, now on our cell phones. I am surrounded by clocks- a watch in front of my bed, Read More »TIME-By Qaisar Sultan

Islamic Democracy

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By Qaisar Sultan

A white horse is not a horse, an old Chinese logic. Since horse is a shape and white is a color; something that denotes color cannot designate a shape.  On the similar lines, Islamic democracy is neither Islamic nor democracy. The enlightenment period changed the autocratic rules in Europe which lead to the political secularism, radically separating the realm of faith and that of the reason. We cannot call liberal democracy a “Christian democracy” or “Islamic democracy”. Democracy is simply empowering people that brings them freedom of thought, speech and practice of their faith. The maxim “Islamic democracy” helps religious fervor to grow; and claimants are not majority of people but those who intemperate the religion. The idea of democracy to religious zealots is to grab the power and convert the country into a theocratic state. In order to have a civil polity is to strive for a culture based on justice, compassion, equitable division of wealth, fairness, honesty and dignity of all the citizens. The value system should include reason accessible to, irrespective of the religious belief is part of that political secularism. The political secularism is not Christian, Hindu or Muslim polity.  It is helpful to find that sense of reason; we have all those reasons in our religion. The only danger is that the orthodoxy plays a crucial role in taking a fair political system to narrow interpretation of fundamentalist religious school of thoughts. A secular way of governance cannot be read as Islamic; if we only talk about a faithless culture. The liberal democracy that we are after is based on certain secular and liberal principles. First of all, if it is not in Quran or Sunnah, it cannot be an Islamic tradition or an Islamic law.  Quran talks about consultation among people, justice and equal rights. The Islamic governance and the attributes of Muslim leaders and principles of governance are described in Quran. The form of the government is not the essence of Muslim polity. The Islamic government should be based on justice and free from the corruption and evil. The problem lies in the mind set of those who represent and interpret our religious values. The orthodoxy and going back in time of old Muslim rules negate all of the secular and liberal principles. The debate should not be limited to atheist style hard core secularism where the religion has to be marginalized. The focus should be on the liberal views of justice, human rights, pluralism and rationalism. The modern corrupt rulers of Muslim states have taken the advantage of this mind set. The Islamic states have created a false elitism of corrupt, religious and feudal, rich and powerful, forces. What we call an Islamic state that has changed into an autocratic rule, refusing to include the very principles of Islamic values of justice and fairness. The freedom of speech is being denied in those theocratic governments. The dilemma for the extreme religious posture is if a state promotes their faith and curbs and opposes other faiths they feel very proud. But if in another country they ban their religious culture and values; and declares them minorities and treated them as such then we have difficulty with that. There is a refusal of robust debate that includes the sectarian, ethnic, financial responsibility, international sensitivities and tribal concerns. The rich, feudal and corrupt politicians, autocrats, military rulers take advantage of the prevailing confusion.Read More »Islamic Democracy

Raymond was ‘giving N-material to terrorists’

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A foreign website has claimed that “top-secret CIA documents found in Raymond Davis’s possession point to his links with ATF 373 – American Task Force 373 – and plotting to provide to al Qaeda terrorists ‘nuclear fissile material’ and ‘biological agents’ they claim are to be used against the United States itself in order to ignite an all-out war in order to reestablish the West’s hegemony over a Global economy that is warned is just months away from collapse.”

Pakistani sources are unable to either confirm or deny the claims and some experts even call the report itself “a part of psy-ops against Pakistan”. The unconfirmed claim was made through a story written by a less known Western writer named as Sorcha Faal. Read More »Raymond was ‘giving N-material to terrorists’


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 It is something very positive and encouraging that India has a very neat and clean judicial system. If on one hand, the non-Hindu minorities are being maltreated by the Indian security forces, on the other hand marvelously judicious courts of India are providing relief to the crushed ones. A few days back, in the second week of February 2011, the unshaken words of Virender Bhatt, the Additional Sessions Judge of a Delhi Court were resonating in the court room, determined with the passion of honesty and devotion to the sincerity to profession, “These four police officers have brought utter shame and disrepute to the whole Delhi Police force. In my opinion, there cannot be any more serious or grave crime than a police officer framing an innocent citizen in a false criminal case. Such tendency in the police officers needs to be curbed with a stern hand. Such black sheep, who are out to defame and bring into disrepute the whole police force, need to be identified from the whole flock and taken to task.” The worthy Judge was giving his verdict after hearing the case of seven Indian nationals who remained behind the bars for more than six years since the first of July 2005. The charge sheet filed against these seven so-called ISI agents said that these accused were arrested after a bloody encounter. The police also claimed to have recovered from them fake currency of Rs 50,000 , a sketch of Palam Air Force station, an AK-47 assault rifle, several magazines, cartridges and hand grenades. According to the charge sheet the accused persons disclosed that they were working on the directions of Pakistan’s spy agency ISI. However the honourable court remarked that the encounter story plotted by the police in this regard was ‘carefully scripted in office’, reported Times of India.Read More »THE SO-CALLED ADVENTURES OF ISI IN INDIA