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According to a US official in Washington the Central Intelligence Agency CIA has no plans to suspend operations in Pakistan against terror suspects despite objections from leaders in Islamabad. Reported by AFP Leon Panetta of the CIA told Pakistani intelligence officials last week that he has a duty to prevent attacks on the United States. He said it is the fundamental responsibility of CIA to protect the American people and it will not halt operations that support that objective. The drone attacks in the tribal areas of Pakistan are also a part of this strategy. In the light of the statement made by Leon Panetta it is something very much clear that there would be no change in the US drone strategy in near or far future. After the release of Raymond Davis it was a very common misunderstanding in Pakistan that the USA would be thankful and obliged by this kind favour of letting Raymond go back safe and sound after killing two innocent Pakistanis in Lahore. It was also foolishly expected that US cruel and brutal and selfish Read More »USA PROTECTING TERRORISM



“The terrorists and militants are not in Afghanistan, but instead are hiding in neighboring Pakistan”, said Hamid Karzai talking to the relatives of civilians killed in a raid by international forces in Asadabad, in the second week of March. Asadabad is the capital of eastern Kunar province. He further said that the international troops should leave Afghanistan and take their fight against terrorism across the border into Pakistan. The Read More »AFGHANISTAN IN THE HANDS OF A PUPPET


By Qaisar Sultan

Homer’s tale of Troy foretold the world the division between East and West. The Greeks had to conquer and teach a “lesson” to their rivals in the East about the ethical and moral traditions of being a civilized guest and respectful to their women. Iliad was the first mythological or true story of the time of lore, where Agamemnon says: “Greeks do not commit murders of innocent people”. In this dialogue we see the subtlety of ethnic superiority to others. Read More »Ethnicity

Political Incompetence

By Qaisar Sultan

There are questions and answers that are unpleasant to those who cannot consider any other possibility beyond what prevailed in a country or in a society. What Pakistani military has done or undone seems to be harsh, seemingly unpatriotic and anti-state to talk about; the fear of reprisal is present in the minds of Pakistani journalists. The affairs of heart that get mixed up with hate and love are part of perplexed human existence. Men do not like to see violent death; but have to go to war to survive. If it is not simply a matter of survival, they find faith in resorting to most cruel human conduct. If it is not about faith, to Read More »Political Incompetence



Nothing but a wastage of time and energy; a lot of conferences, lectures and seminars, discussions and dialogue sessions; all simply ending over a cup of tea; that is how every year we celebrate the days of our national importance. What we do is not what we need. At present Pakistan is passing through the ever-worst phase of its history; political fragility, economic instability, catastrophically disastrous law and order situation particularly in Karachi and Balochistan, rampant corruption throughout the country and above all a warlike scenario along the borders; the situation really does not need words but action. The most important thing is that we must recall to our minds the motive and objective behind the creation of Pakistan. At present the nation is looking towards four pillars of society that are supposed to provide vigor and strength to our national infrastructure; the armed forces, the judiciary, the media and the politicians. As far as the armed forces and the judiciary are concerned, they are doing their best. The media is also trying to play a vital role. But unfortunately the politicians are not showing the required seriousness and concern over the deteriorating situation. Certain political factions are creating doubts and speculation in the minds of Pakistani youth by projecting religious, ethnic, regional and chauvinistic themes. Their political agenda seems based Read More »A NEW RAY OF HOPE IN BALOCHISTAN

“Do More”

By Qaisar Sultan

There is this pathetic duet, sung by the American administration and the Pakistani establishment, the male voice reverts over and over to “Do More” and the female crying out for “Give us more”. Both America and Pakistan are not comfortable with each other; and deduce some possible harm from the very basis of the state policies in dealing with the strategic guidelines adopted by both countries. The governments of both countries do not trust each other; people of both countries have contempt and immeasurable aversion for each other. While Americans insist upon the Pakistani government to do more, Pakistan turns around and asks for more money. Americans know it well that no matter how they insisted, Pakistan would not unconditionally comply with their wishes; but they tried anyway to get some cooperation. Pakistanis know the limits of American aid; but asking for more never hurts. The Americans need Pakistan for war against Taliban; and Pakistan needs money. While the Americans cannot figure out how to defeat Taliban; Pakistan cannot manage its economy. The Americans lay emphasis on approximately seven billion dollars given to Pakistan after September 11; and Pakistan draws attention to sixty billion cost of fighting the extremism and loss of thirty thousand lives- sixty billions seems to be exaggerated number. Exaggerated or not, Pakistan feels cheated that America spends almost seven billion a year in Afghanistan, and the Pakistani cut is not near that amount. The American objective to permanently defeat Taliban requires unconditional help from Pakistan that does not like Taliban to be defeated in the first place.  The Americans have been complaining about ISI covertly helping Haqani group that has been fighting American forces from Pakistani side. America cannot control Taliban as long as they have sanctuary in Pakistan; Taliban attack American forces and run back into Pakistan. The fact is that Taliban cannot be defeated by simply declaring and going to war against them; they can always lay dormant in the weak position and come back more violent when opportunities allow them.  Pakistan has the money problems that could not be solved by any amount of aid- More money Pakistan receives, more money goes to war against India and some is looted; people have to wait for their turn till Pakistan conquers Kashmir. With so much distrust, conflicting interests and antagonism, how two countries can expect long lasting relations?Read More »“Do More”

Future of Pakistan

Qaisar Sultan

There seems to be “Pakiphobia” in West, especially in USA. Two recent published articles have stabbing negativity of the present and future of Pakistan; and it is not amiable. First article was published in Wall Street journal, written by Sadanand Dhume; he is an Indian born journalists. Though he is levelheaded in his analysis in his article, “The Myth of Moderate Pakistan” shouts out Indian and Hindu bias that cannot set off without a cautious repudiation of detrimental intentions. There is no doubt that a small segment of our society has succumbed to a noxious view of religion; but we have a great number that refuse to support and vote for them. The problems our extremists have created come to haunt us at every step of the Pakistani reputation. The murder of Pearl, a Wall Street Journal journalist, turned the newspaper against the environment in a country that they felt encouraged killings. In turn they allowed and endorsed the probing into the crisis in an extremist state as they see it know or  pinpointing the extremism of a country that has tolerated and created a milieu of incidences of slitting throats, bombing and killing of innocent men, women and children, blowing up girl’s schools, market places, torture and mayhem. The second article is written by a supposedly friend of Pakistan, Stephen P. Cohen, a think-tank with Brooking Institute; he has also written a book, “The Idea of Pakistan”. In his article, Future of Pakistan, he seems to be very pessimistic about the future of Pakistan. Cohen writes, “Pakistan could be a major disruptive force in Southeast and Southwest and Central Asia, ruining India’s rise and destabilize Persian Gulf and Central Asian region”. He also pointed out that Pakistan has fallen deep into the abyss of ethnic and religious view of its political existence; and the possibility of a moderate, reasonably secular and competitive state is out of reach. He predicted, “Revival of insurgency will take place, given the absence of real economic growth and the weakness of political institutions”. The foreign policy reports have indicated that Pakistan has posed the greatest threat of terrorism to West. Most of the indicators in terms of human development, down to 141 at the bottom, the disliking level in the West for Pakistan are at number three; Iran and North Korea are the most disliked countries in West. The biggest concern is that Pakistan is a nuclear state; if religious groups take over the government, the world may face a real threat to the security of the region and the world. Pakistan is not a happy place to live; on happiness Index, Pakistan is at the bottom of all Southeast Asia countries, 112 in ranking; Bangladesh is 41. All these statics suggest as if we are reading the demise of a nation; that has been almost predicted by Stephen Cohen. Read More »Future of Pakistan

IDEX does not accelerate arms race in the region: Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

BY Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said that IDEX has gained prominence and wider acclaim among the world countries and companies producing weapons and defence equipments as the event provide them with a window, through which they look at the markets in the region. His Highness General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces were also presented.Read More »IDEX does not accelerate arms race in the region: Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

IMAGES FROM BALOCHISTAN: A Tale of Promise, Prejudice & Potential

Bushra Zulfiqar

BALOCHISTAN is the most breathtakingly beautiful but equally bitter Province of Pakistan. Bleeding at the hands of a ruthless separatist struggle, ethnically targeted killings and with thousands of people gone missing, life in Balochistan is that of fear, violence and a blatant abuse of human rights. The Province which is larger than Germany and covers more than 44% of Pakistan, has huge deposits of gold, copper, coal, lead and other natural resources. It offers the most spectacular landscape of a tall, hazy brown mountain range, against gray skies with a peculiar chill. The social repression is further compounded by the stark levels of poverty, economic suffering and a consistent lack of opportunities to secure livelihoods. Contrary to the enriched mineral and natural resources that Balochistan has, its population seems completely denied of that wealth, doomed to go further down the drain. The Province has the highest prevalence of rural poverty in Pakistan (at 70%) and according to UN’s human development index, 10 out of the 20 lowest ranking Districts in Pakistan are from Balochistan. These are the places where 91% of the population lives. To add further to this depressing list of statistics, let me quote the World Food Programme, which has declared that 13 most under fed Districts of Pakistan are that of Balochistan. So ugly is the reality, which is a result of decades of political exploitation and injustices for the control of resources, economic deprivation and lack of a people centered approach to development.  Read More »IMAGES FROM BALOCHISTAN: A Tale of Promise, Prejudice & Potential