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Osama Drama: Is US inching towards Pak nuclear assets?

Zahid Malik

The dramatic attack in Abbottabad during wee hours of 2nd May in which world’s most wanted man Osama bin Laden was killed by the US Navy SEALS in a dare devil James Bond like precision operation, has totally shaken and demoralized the people of Pakistan in many respects. They are in a state of shock and awe. The powerful U.S. ambush has also provided yet another opportunity to those who exploit every possible occasion to whip up vicious propaganda against Pakistan military and world-recognized wonderful jewel of the security apparatus of Pakistan i.e. ISI. In any case, the enigmatic episode has, understandably opened a floodgate of theories and conspiracies as to how it happened.Read More »Osama Drama: Is US inching towards Pak nuclear assets?

CIA in collaboration with RAW destabilising Pakistan

Brig (Retd) Imtiaz Ahmed speaks

ISI is target; DG ISI vindicates confidence in people’s power; Demand for presenting defence budget in Parliament dangerously placed

Interview Liaqat Toor

Islamabad—In a great game going on in the region, CIA in collaboration with RAW is destabilising Pakistan to ultimately achieve its objectives of having a strong foothold in Afghanistan, containing China, and controlling Iran and oil reserves in the Middle East.In an exclusive interview with Pakistan Observer, Brig (Retd) Imtiaz Ahmed, who has to his credit seventeen years of long experience in intelligence service of the country including his appointment as the top man in the Intelligence Bureau (IB) while giving his views on post-Osama period said Pakistan is passing through a difficult time when CIA has unleashed its onslaught against ISI to malign it in the eyes of the people of Pakistan and the world.Imtiaz said war on terrorism, in fact was war on Osama by CIA in collaboration with Raw. The situation is clearing up now as Osama has been eliminated, who was in fact non-functional. Ayman al-Zawahiri and other top-ranking leaders were in the driving seat carrying out their missions.Read More »CIA in collaboration with RAW destabilising Pakistan

Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’

Washington—Information collected from various sources and pieced together gives altogether a different turn to the Abbottabad episode and this scribe now tends to believe that the slain Osama bin Laden was captured and killed some years ago by the US forces and was brought in a coffin to Abbottabad on the night between May Ist and 2nd and “killed.” Some reports suggest that the body of the dead Osama was lying in a morgue specially erected by US Army in a small safe house at the Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan for the last few years and as per CIA’s plan, he was now “captured” from a place inside Pakistan and “killed” at the “appropriate time”. Read More »Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’

Emerging trends in UAE macro-economy

By Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

Despite regional socio-economic turmoil in the Middle East, series of debt packages in the Euro-zone and weak economic recovery prospects in the USA, the macro-economy of UAE is stable, strong and sustainable. Global high food prices, conflicting interest rate management, and inflationary issues in the region and around the globe are not affecting the booming economy of the UAE and its all major economic indicators are positive. Even its financial and banking sector is in good shape and there is no credit liquidity crunch in the markets.Read More »Emerging trends in UAE macro-economy

UAE Embassy marks the 35th anniversary of Armed Forces

By Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

35th armed forces unification day's celebration

Islamabad: (May 10). Colonel Staff Mohammed Abdullah Al Kaabi, the Military Attache’ at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates held a reception to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the unification of the Armed Forces of the UAE. The Ambassador Ali Saif Awani and Military Attache’ welcomed distinguished guests. The dignified event was attended by number of senior military officers, politicians, ministers, members of National Assembly, Senators, members of the Arab Diplomatic Corps and as well as foreign military attaches’.Read More »UAE Embassy marks the 35th anniversary of Armed Forces


By Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces is taking the guard of honor

SIXTH May marks the 35th Unification Anniversary of the Armed Forces of United Arab Emirates which symbolizes the Federation and the national unity. On May 6, 1976 a historic decision was made to unify the Armed Forces of the Emirates towards a sublime goal: defend the UAE and its national achievements.

The Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Islamabad H.E. Saif Al Awani along with the Military Attaché Colonel (Staff )Abdulla Mohammed Al Kabbi are celebrating this auspicious occasion on 9th May.Read More »35TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UAE ARMED FORCES UNIFICATION

People Republic of China: A Land of Wonders

By Shazia Mehmood Khan

A media group comprising of five senior journalists from Pakistan recently visited brotherly country China. People Republic of China’s embassy in Islamabad planed and facilitated our visit to its country. It was dream come true for me. I have been fascinating different aspects of China’s socio-economic prosperity march, rich culture and divine heritage since my childhood.

During our memorable stay we visited many places of China relating to its splendid history, cultural dominance, superior heritage, industrial might and immaculate natural beauty. Our media group truly witnessed the high levels of media coverage, public persuasion and modernity while meeting with the different high officials of the government and media personnel of different newspapers i.e. China Daily and Economic Daily. I stressed to my counterparts of the economic daily newspaper that mutual energy cooperation (wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear) between the two countries would be win-win situation for both the countries. They were all well motivated and geared towards achieving their motherland’s soft power image in the regional as well as international media circles. The mutual integration was meaningful and we exchanged different views about the further strengthening of media and cultural ties between the two countries.Read More »People Republic of China: A Land of Wonders

The Mukhtar Mai Case

By Qaisar Sultan

The Supreme Court decisions rejecting the Lahore High Court acquittal appeal in the Mukhtar Mai case will have a direct impact on social attitudes towards women and weak members of Pakistani rural areas. The verdict in favor of depraved criminals’ minds to act upon their animalistic impulses without any fear of reprisal would have a very negative impact on the criminal justice in Pakistan. The Supreme Court in Pakistan has Read More »The Mukhtar Mai Case