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Who is responsible for the recent worsening situation along the Pak-Afghan borders; Taliban, NATO forces, the Afghan government or the foreign sponsored miscreants ; surely not a difficult question to be answered. The so-called militant-attacks on a security check post in Upper Dir on the first of June, 2011 continued for more than thirty six hours and ended taking lives of many innocent local people as well as of people from security forces. The security forces of Pakistan did all their best to crush the insurgency and now the situation is under complete control. Meanwhile, a 5,000-strong lashkar consisting of the local people has been formed in Upper Dir which will conduct joint operations with the military against the insurgents. The members of the lashkar vowed to establish peace at all costs.Read More »FROM PNS MEHRAN TO UPPER DIR

Reminiscences of Ilays Kashmiri

By Zafar Iqbal

I found Ilyas Kashmiri relatively different from other radical commanders and fighters whom I managed to chat during my journalistic career. Kashmiri was the only prominent militant leader who was always in a commando uniform.  He was not a perfect communicator. Most of his answers, which were embedded with traditional assertion of ‘fight against the infidels’, were supported and supplemented by his spokesperson and fellow guerillas. However, Kashmiri was an incredibly proficient militant and strategist and his future plans and actions proved this capability and tactical expertise. Read More »Reminiscences of Ilays Kashmiri

Google reveals Gmail hacking, says likely from China

SAN FRANCISCO: Suspected Chinese hackers tried to steal the passwords of hundreds of Google email account holders, including those of senior U.S. government officials, Chinese activists and journalists, the Internet company said.

The perpetrators appeared to originate from Jinan, the capital of China’s eastern Shandong province, Google said. Jinan is home to one of six technical reconnaissance bureaus belonging to the People’s Liberation Army and a technical college that U.S. investigators last year linked to a previous attack on Google.Read More »Google reveals Gmail hacking, says likely from China

Mistakes or Willful Transgressions

By Qaisar Sultan

The character of people and nation may be defined by their reaction to their mistakes. The mistakes in the life of individuals and nations are natural. The way nature works that the life may learn through its mistakes to evolve. The hyenas in the jungle learn by their mistake of challenging and attacking the lionesses in the presence of male lion. This survival mode is being transferred into the genes and the experience of each pack of hyenas. The mistakes of challenging the lions make hyenas clever in dealing with the lions.  The Pakistani leaders have no problem challenging the most powerful country in the world. We, humans, have hard time accepting and rectifying our mistakes; that is a flaw in the weak people’s character. As the simple saying goes, “We all make mistakes”- That is one truth that most of us cannot deny. The great nations made not only mistakes but blunders; those that survived learnt from those mistakes and corrected them. We may find a great debate in the differences between the mistakes made by the wise and imbeciles; there is always a thin line to differentiate; both could be simply innocent or lack of appropriate wisdom in a particular affair. But there is another mortally caustic element in this regard, called willful transgression from the natural, civil and moral laws or norms; they always come to haunt the individuals and nations. We may assign these willful mistakes to the original sin which demonstrated the willful transgression of Adam. They are two ways looking at mistakes; first is to recognize that a mistake is made; and second is to figure out how and who made the mistake, and finally how do we correct them? The question is always raised regarding the ingrained sense of rectitude in the very basis of a society and individual life- That the debauchery becomes part of the justification for all the wickedness and wrong; the mistakes and moral decay represent the very basis of our social and moral conducts.Read More »Mistakes or Willful Transgressions

Nokia Samsung & LG all set to compete with china made mobile phones in Pakistani market

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By Muhammad Yasir

KARACHI: Branded handset manufacturers with their exclusive brands are planning to penetrate local retail market through low-cost handsets with dual SIMs features, unveiling aggressive marketing and sales campaigns against China-made handsets.

In an effort to tap full potential of the local market, Nokia, Samsung and LG have already geared up for penetration—just weeks after the government’s announcement of banning imports of handsets—particularly China-made without IMEI numbers.Read More »Nokia Samsung & LG all set to compete with china made mobile phones in Pakistani market

Emerging Socio-Economic, Geo-Political and Geo-Strategic Centers of Power and Associates Policies for Pakistan: A Research Study

By Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan


Socio-economic serious problems are gearing to bring changes in the status quo around the world. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen are passing through difficult times for their national histories. Syria and Bahrain have been selected for proxy wars. Saudi Arabia is confronting with new troublesome events in some tiny parts/factions. Read More »Emerging Socio-Economic, Geo-Political and Geo-Strategic Centers of Power and Associates Policies for Pakistan: A Research Study

People’s Republic of China: A True Strategic Partner

By Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

In the times of natural calamities, geo-strategic sensitivities, or financial crises, People’s Republic of China always stood first to rescue us from the deep seas of uncertainties to the shores of stability and survival. That is why Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao believed Pak-China friendship as a pine tree that remains evergreen despite the harshest of winters and it has stood the test of time like a strong horse.Read More »People’s Republic of China: A True Strategic Partner

A Great International Conference “Global Strategic Developments: A Futuristic Vision”.

By Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

Three day 16th Annual regional security conference “Global Strategic Developments: A Futuristic Vision was organised by the prestigious Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR). It was held at the ECSSR Abu Dhabi from 21-23-March 2011. Ministers, high officials, business tycoons, prominent research scholars, think-tanks, heads of the research institutes, politicians, strategists, and intelligentsia rigorously contributed and actively participated in the conference. Read More »A Great International Conference “Global Strategic Developments: A Futuristic Vision”.


By Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

Three day 16th Annual regional security conference “Global Strategic Developments: A Futuristic Vision was organised by the prestigious Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR). It was held at the ECSSR Abu Dhabi from 21-23-March 2011. Ministers, high officials, business tycoons, prominent research scholars, think-tanks, heads of the research institutes, politicians, strategists, and intelligentsia rigorously contributed and actively participated in the conference. Read More »16th Annual Conference GLOBAL STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENTS: A FUTURISTIC VISION



Dr.Manmohan Singh is no doubt such an enigmatic and charismatic character India must always be proud of. Always having a very positive approach and a strong will and an unshaken resolve to solve all those conflicting issues which have turned this region into a blazing inferno, Dr. Singh has become one of the most popular personalities not only for the Indians but also for the people of Pakistan. On 12th of May, in his opening statement at the Joint Press interaction along with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul he said, “Peace and security requires all the countries in the region to think afresh in dealing with terrorism.Read More »A NEVER-ENDING DISASTER