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Terrorism plan foiled by Islamabad Police

The News report by Shakeel Anjum

The Parliament House, Diplomatic Enclave, ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) Headquarters, Presidency, Prime Minister’s Secretariat, Convention Centre and the Islamabad Club were the target of terrorist outfits, for which they had planned and prepared to shower a barrage of missiles, rockets and mortars from Bani Gala, just a few kilometers away from these sites. This correspondent has a copy of the investigation report.

The terrorists had a plan which they devised on the lines of the 9/11 terror strikes in the US, launching attacks at different places simultaneously, the report revealed. The initial missile and rocket attack was to be followed by a commandos like terrorist strike by these militants at the Parliament House where they had planned to storm in, using the suicide bombers and sniper shooters to make their way in, and take the parliamentarians as hostages.

Looking at the things coming out so far from the investigations by the Islamabad Police following the raid on a house in Chatta Bakhtawar last Saturday, on the outskirts of Islamabad, it is becoming more and more evident that a very serious terrorist strike, which could have resulted in huge losses of lives and properties, has been averted.Read More »Terrorism plan foiled by Islamabad Police

American generals misleading their president

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By Farrukh Saleem

ISLAMABAD: President Barack Hussein Obama II is bent upon extracting political mileage out of America’s military misadventure in the ‘graveyard of empires’. A double-dip recession hanging over Obama’s re-election ambitions and the one hundred twelfth United States Congress having the largest number of Republican members since 1947 (Republican 242 v. Democrat 193) can the generals deliver some good news out of Afghanistan?
Read More »American generals misleading their president