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Why Kashmir is Important to Me?

Dr. Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai

Washington, D.C.

December 7, 2011

(The statement was issued at the Alexandria Court House, Virginia)


The Kashmir issue is simply this: the people of a large territory which is not part of any existing sovereign state were assured by the entire international community represented by the United States that they would be enabled to decide their future by a free vote. Until now, this assurance has not been honored.


I, as an American of Kashmiri origin am profoundly grateful to the Administration for upholding the position of principle which the United States has sustained throughout the existence of the contentious issue relating to the status of Kashmir. When the Kashmir dispute erupted in 1947-1948, the United States championed the stand that the future status of Kashmir must be determined by the will of the people of the territory and that their wishes must be ascertained through an impartial plebiscite under the supervision and control of the United Nations. The U.S. was a principle sponsor of the resolution # 47 which was adopted by the Security Council on April 21, 1948 and which was based on that unchallenged principle. It was also upheld equally by both India and Pakistan when the Kashmir dispute was brought before the Security Council in 1948. The commitment of the U.S. was indicated by a personal appeal made by President Harry Truman that differences over demilitarization be submitted to arbitration by the Plebiscite Administrator, a distinguished American war hero: Admiral Chester Nimitz.Read More »Why Kashmir is Important to Me?

Mask of deception

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Qaisar Sultan

Mimicry is part of our nature. The survival of the species mostly depends on the power to deceive and propensity for awareness and responsiveness of impending threat of the invader’s attack through mimicry and deception. If we look at the disease of AID, we find out that HIV virus that cause the disease changes itself to be a true copy of human body defense system by mimicking the white cells and reproduce its own T-cells. Now scientists are working on using the same idea to fight cancers by deceiving the cancer cells.  So it seems to us that the mimicry may play an important role to defend our health and our assumed role in the society. The octopus is a master of mimicking the invaders and the prey at the same time; it may change its color or shape to deceive. The species that do not have the faculty of deception are more vulnerable to the attacks of the predators. Frogs, chameleons, some birds and beetle have the ability to change their colors and shape and form to mimic the predators. Some of the species have survived due to the mimicry built in its very design by nature. The camouflage brings safety to the prey and the predators. IsRead More »Mask of deception


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It is a day-light fact that at presentChinais the only force which can guarantee the balance of power as well as peace and prosperity in the South-Asian region. With the increasing influence and interference ofUSAin the South-Asian region and after the rapidly growing US-Indiacloseness, world is looking towardsChinafor a more vibrant and lively role to play. Even inPakistanpeople are expecting the role of a saviour fromChina. Such expectations are no doubt generating an air of depression and despair in the countries likeIndiawhich considerChinathe most severe threat to their hegemonic designs in the region. To minimize Chinese importance in the region and to create misunderstandings betweenChinaandPakistanas well as to defame Pak-China relations, Indian propaganda machine is trying to do all the best possible. The recent propaganda regarding the presence of Chinese troops in Azad Jammu Kashmir and Gilgit Biltistan province is also a part of this fruitless and futile effort. Indian media is describing the so-called presence of Chinese troops in AJK and Gilgit Biltistan province as a grave threat to Indian security. The matter of the fact is that these so-called Chinese troops are not a part of the Chinese army; they are simply the Chinese engineers and survey technicians who have joined hands with the Pakistan Frontier Works Organization FWO to rebuild and repair portions ofKarakoram Highway, damaged due to recent floods and earthquakes. It is something unintelligible how these engineers and survey technicians could be a threat to the Indian security. It is something very ironical that on the basis of this baseless allegation,Indiahas planned to recruit 100,000 soldiers over the next five years to deploy them on Indo-China border and Indian Occupied Kashmir. It is also in the air that Indian army is planning to deploy two independent armoured brigades in Uttarkhand and Ladakh areas along with raising a mountain strike corps and four divisions. Read More »CHINA-A THREAT TO INDIAN HEGEMONIC DESIGNS