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There will be time; there will be time; time to repent, time to regret, time to feel sorry and time to lament; but that will be too late. The people playing in hands of the conspirators would one day feel sorry for no one else but for their own-self, one day when they would realize that they had been brutally exploited against their own people, against their own religion and against their own land. That is the actual story of tomorrow for those who are now joining hands with the western conspirators and helping them out in destabilizingPakistan, ignoring the reality thatPakistanis the only country which has an identity as a fort of Islam. Today it is the most favourite activity for some of the so-called media analysts to ridicule and make fun of thePakistanarmy and the intelligence agencies ofPakistan. These are the people who feel pride in unfair bashing of the army just for the sake of their trivial and petty interests. In their struggle to please their foreign masters, such analysts are simply undermining the very Read More »HONOURING THE JUDICIARY

Lethal Mines Continue to Kill Minors

By Zafar Iqbal

Two brothers loved to visit the quiet pasture with their goats and sheep. However, they were unaware that this enjoyable hobby would be fatal for them. Suddenly, they slipped in the mud and were trapped by a hidden landmine which went off with a deadly bang. They were killed on the spot.

The incident occurred when the world celebrated the 20th anniversary of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. The victims were playing in a remote village across the line of control (Lo C), the disputed border dividing Kashmir between India and Pakistan. Both countries have been accused of the mass production and excessive use of landmines. They also refuse to join the international treaty which binds states never to use, develop, produce, stockpile or transfer antipersonnel landmines.Read More »Lethal Mines Continue to Kill Minors




Though this world of today has to bear the blame of being very much complicated, intricate, self-centered and to some extant knotty and thorny because of its over-mechanized and ultra-computerized ways and manners but still we find in abundance a very strong urge and undefeatable passion of serving the suffering and ailing humanity from east to west and from north to south. It is something very much positive and appreciable that in spite of so many individual internal and external problems of their own, the member countries of the SAARC organization and our friends in the European Union spare a lot of their precious time to ponder over the situation regarding the increasing violence and terrorism in the world which is no doubt depriving this world of the most valuable and inevitable need of today, that is the peace.Read More »THE TRUE SPIRIT OF SAARC

Woman and Religion

By Qaisar Sultan

How societies and culture figure out what is religious and what is within the helm of purely human free well and reasoning is the defining element of intellectual maturity. What is within the reason should be within the helm of any religion; any argument above and beyond reason is nothing more than a cult like approach to religion. We see that in the most developed societies such as American society comes in the grip of religious fervor where the conservative religious leaders try to impose their religious view on those who differ from their view of what is Godly and what is not.   Recently, the debate of the medicine for contraception should be allowed to women in the religious organizations has captured the American collective reflection on how far they should allow the religious Read More »Woman and Religion

Shamaeel-Sitara launches new lawn collection in Pakistan, India, UAE & Bangladesh

KARACHI: Shamaeel-Sitara Premium Lawn recently presented a new collection for 2012 at a three-day exhibition, held at a local lawn.
One of the pioneers of designer lawn in Pakistan having first designed for a textile house in 1996 and continuing ever since, the Shamaeel-Sitara Premium Lawn collection for 2012 comes with a special porter design kit that includes silk panels, embroideries, embellishments and accents.
Available in an extensive range of 17 designs in two colour variations, the Shamaeel-Sitara Premium Lawn prints are based in vegetable dyed colour palettes, fresh bright colours such as melon and leaf green with the revival of yellow and orange. Read More »Shamaeel-Sitara launches new lawn collection in Pakistan, India, UAE & Bangladesh




US Department of State says in one of its recent reports regarding drug trafficking in the Central Asian states, “The Central Asian states that border Afghanistanare facing a significant threat from illicit narcotic drugs transiting from Afghanistan. Violent extremist groups from Afghanistanand Pakistanthreaten stability in the region, with drug trafficking providing a significant source of their funding. The United States Government is committed to partnering with Central Asiato counter these threats.” To put a check on drug-trafficking the USauthorities have introduced a program with the title ‘The Central Asia Counter-narcotics Initiative CACI’. The basic objectiveRead More »DRUG –TRAFFICKING IN CENTRAL ASIA


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A few days back, Chaudhry Aslam khan, the SSP CID Karachi said in an interview with a private TV channel that unless courts give a legal authenticity to the evidence of the police officials particularly in cases of terrorism, the giant of terrorism cannot be chained. It is a common complaint that in most of the cases people from common public lack courage to appear before the court and record their evidence against any terrorist activity. They are frightened of the threats of grave consequences from the terrorists they have to face as a result of such evidences. Not only against the terrorist activities, for a common man is it next to impossible to stand against even a pick-pocket or street-criminal. Most of the people are of the view that they are at the mercy of the criminals when they come out of the court premises after giving their statement against such criminals. This is the reason that in the last ten or fifteen years we find countless accused criminals who were proved guilty by the police but without sufficient evidence the courts could not send them behind the bars. In such cases the police or other law-enforcing agencies are left with only one option; to pay back the criminals in the same coin though this option gives birth to another type of injustice. The situation is getting worse and worse with the passage of time and would never be controlled unless the law of evidence is modified.



PROFESSOR ALI SUKHANVER                           

 What is more important; food or security; health or defence; prosperity or safety; certainly a difficult question to be answered. Today one finds a hurricane of allegations, accusations ultimately forming the shape of suggestions thatPakistanneeds not spend a huge amount on its army and the relevant security set-up. Various so-called western thinkers are doing all their best to create an atmosphere of disbelief and mistrust against the security agencies ofPakistanby painting a picture which depicts these agencies as an unbearable burden on the already stooping financial structure ofPakistan. More painful is the fact that some of our own people are playing in the hands of these enemies ofPakistanjust for their temporary, trivial gains and benefits. It is a day-light fact that without a strong and immaculate defence system it is quite unimaginable to survive in this world where ‘survival is the fate of only the fittest’. If we want to crush terrorism, if we want to up-root extremism we cannot do it without a well-equipped, well-trained and well-supported army. We have ample examples of countries like USA, Israel, UK, India and so many others who are doing all their best to strengthen their armies. Our closest neighbourIndiahas ignored all her past differences with US just to build up its military might.Indiais signing up new pacts and accords withIsraelandJapanas well as withRussiajust to enhance her defence capabilities but unfortunately inPakistansome self-claimed philosophers and thinkers are emphasizing the need of curtailing the defence budget and calling in question the existence of the institution of army.Read More »STRONG DEFENCE MEANS ULTIMATE SURVIVAL