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‘The Meadow:Kashmir1995 – Where the terror began’ is a book recently released in March 2012. Adrian Levy & Catherine Scott-Clark are the authors of this book. The authors say they spent a long time on doing research and investigation and finally succeeded in finding out the reality that the Indian government itself is behind the long story of human rights violations inKashmir. Commenting upon the kidnapping of six western tourists in 1995 from Anantnag the authors say, “It appeared that there were some in the Indian establishment who did not want this never-ending bad news story of Pakistani cruelty and Kashmiri inhumanity to end, even when the perpetrators themselves were finished.” The writers claim kidnapping of six western tourists in 1995 including two Britons, two Americans, one German and one Norwegian tourist in Anantnag district was carried out by a group of Kashmiri militants who worked for Indian Army. The tourists were kidnapped by a terrorist organization Al-Faran, which initially demanded release of 21 persons including Harkat chief Maulana Masood Azhar and Omar Sheikh. Later Azad Nabi, a pro-govt militant, bought four from Al Faran for 4 lakhs and shot them on 24 Dec 1995. In all this story of abduction the most interesting thing is the demand of release of Harkat chief Maulana Masood Azhar, who in fact has nothing to do with Al-Faran. His name was included in the demand list just to dragPakistaninto the affair and to give the world a false impression thatPakistanwas behind this abduction.Indiaauthorities are still projecting the thought that Al-Faran, which claimed responsibility for the abductions, was part of the Harkat-ul-Ansar militant group but Harkat denies any ties with Al-Faran.





History is going to repeat itself very soon. The people of Pakistanmust be ready for another episode like that of the Abbotabad Hunting. Zawahiri is in Pakistan; assured the gracious lady Hilary Clinton talking to media in Kolkata, a few days back. She further said in the same interview, “You have to go over those who are trying to kill you. You have to be focused on that.” Hilary is no doubt very much true in her concept of pursuing those who are trying to kill you. Her approach in this regard must be sincerely followed by all those who are being consistently under the target of their oppressors, sometimes in the form of terrorists and sometimes in the shape of exploiters. It seems that the so-called Islamic extremists are also following the same philosophy of chase n hit as expressed by Hilary Clinton. They are always going over those who are trying to kill them. It is simply the game of Cat and Rat but the positions of Tom and Jerry keep on changing. Unfortunately this game is going to end nowhere; neither the Tom nor the Jerry seems willing to give up but what about millions of those who have nothing to do with either of the two opponents. Be it the 9/11 incident or the Mumbai Blasts or the every day showering drone attacks on blameless people of Pakistan; we find millions of guiltless lives at stake. Who is going to compensate for this wholesale massacre; world is looking towards Hilary for a satisfactory answer to this question.





In this world of ever strengthening socialization, all time sky-rising graphs of education and ever increasing standards of moral values, liberty, freedom and independence are the terms which are very much talked of but very little cared for. The more civilized a country seems, the more involved it is in ridiculing all these terms. Today stronger is the one who has more courage and determination to challenge the liberty, freedom and independence of others. The 2nd May of every year would always remind the whole of this world how once a so-called civilized nation exploited the trust and belief of one of its faithful allies in the name of war against terror. The Abbotabad operation is one of the worst examples of human rights violation as well as of challenging the liberty, freedom and independence not of a piece of land but of the whole nation. The people ofPakistanwould never forget how their American friends played with their feelings and emotions and how they mitigated and humiliated all rules and regulations regarding diplomatic norms and traditions in the garb of the Abbotabad operation.Read More »DID YOU NEVER LOVE BIN LADEN?

How Obama fulfilled the dreams of Osama

 “The News” report by Hamid Mir

Osama bin Laden is history now but Al-Qaeda is still determined to make some new history. US officials have rightly claimed many times that Al Qaeda has become weaker after the death of Osama bin Laden but they cannot deny the fact that bin Ladenism is still a source of inspiration for the militants fighting from Afghanistan to Yemen and from Iraq to Palestine. Dead Osama is as dangerous as living Osama.

The Obama administration has foiled at least 8 terrorist plots on the US soil since the death of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. President Obama can take credit of bin Laden’s death but he is not aware that actually bin Laden got the death of his own choice. It was his old dream not to be captured by enemy but to be killed by enemy and no burial in any grave.Read More »How Obama fulfilled the dreams of Osama

Facebook being used to blackmail Pakistani girls

Karachi—As Facebook and other social sites are becoming popular day by day in Pakistan, an important Asian country, hundreds of girls are being blackmailed by the social networking sites forcing them to limit activities to their homes and even to commit suicides.

According to the reports of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), cyber crimes are rampant across the country and a number of educated, respectable and distinguished girls are being blackmailed. “About 99 percent of complaints are being lodged by girls that their accounts are hacked and profile picture edited,” FIA sources revealed. “After that indecent pictures are uploaded on Facebook and other social websites,” they complained.Read More »Facebook being used to blackmail Pakistani girls


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Last month, I had been there inDhakafor more than a week and every moment was a moment of learning. When I was looking across the windows of my car at the sky-kissing buildings on the jam-packed roads ofDhaka, a saying of Bill Gates kept on resounding in my ears, “I always failed in exams but my class fellows always topped. Now the toppers of my class are employed in my company.” No doubt that great hustle and bustle and the lively hue and cry was a proof that I was somewhere in a land which is destined to be world’s tomorrow. The most important thing I learnt there was that tourism is the main source of bringing prosperity to a country; andBangladeshis certainly very much fertile in this respect. I also concluded that terrorism and tourism never go side by side; the presence of so many tourists in the streets of Dhaka indicated to me thatBangladeshis a land still safe from the menace of terrorism.