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The political government of Pakistan has been in a constant effort of establishing friendly relations with the neighbouring countries in spite of a lot of economic problems, continuous unfair international pressures and the ever hovering hostile clouds of enmity along the borders. It is not only the policy of the present government but on the whole the strategy of Pakistan since ever to promote cordial relationship with the neighbouring countries.  Following the same policy of friendship and alliance, a few days back President Asif Ali Zardari confirmed Pakistan’s consent on visa agreement between Pakistan and India which was signed between the two countries on September 8, 2012. The agreement aimed at giving more concessions and simplifying the procedure to grant visa with a view to promoting people-to-people contact.  The objective of this visa Read More »THE WATER ENMITY


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What happened to Malala is not simply a tale of brutality, cruelty, violence and aggression, it is something else based on intrigue and conspiracy. Though the militants in Pakistan are being held responsible for this cowardly inhuman action against an innocent young girl but there are people who have an altogether different opinion regarding this incident and they certainly have a lot of very solid and logical arguments in support of their point of view; they say that this brutal act is the handiwork of various anti-Pakistan foreign elements working in Pakistan under the guidance of CIA, Mussad and RAW. The only aim and objective of such incidents is to destabilize the very foundations of Pakistani society and defame it as well internationally.Read More »THE MALALA EPISODE