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While going through the details of suicide attack on Asadullah Khalid, the Intelligence Chief of Afghanistan, one feels that Khalid was strolling somewhere in a public park or enjoying a cup of hot Afghani Qahwa in a café along some deserted highway; he was not at a guesthouse used by the National Directorate of Security in a heavily guarded area of the capital Kabul. How could it had been possible for a suicide bomber to introduce himself as a peace messenger from Taliban and reach the Intelligence Chief deceiving all security check-points if Asadullah Khalid  were really at the National Directorate of Security. The incident no doubt puts a question mark at the abilities and talents of the Afghan security forces as well as at those of the NATO. The time when the US troops were stepping into the Afghan lands, the US authorities were of the opinion that Afghanistan is suffering badly at the hands of the terrorists and the Afghan security forces don’t have ability to counter the terrorist activities. That time they had assured the people of Afghanistan that the only aim of the US forces is to strengthen the Afghan security forces so that they might be able to counter the activities of the terrorists. Now at the end of 2012, the suicidal attack on the Intelligence Chief of Afghanistan is a proof that the Afghan security forces are still incapable of countering the terrorists. It means the situation would become horribly disastrous if the US forces say good-bye to the Afghan lands.Read More »AFGHANISTAN-A DECEPTIVE IMPRESSION

‘No religion group’ 3rd largest in the world

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NEW YORK: People with no religious affiliation make up the third-largest global group in a new study of the size of the world’s faiths, placing after Christians and Muslims and just before Hindus.

 The study, based on extensive data for the year 2010, also showed Islam and Hinduism are the faiths mostly likely to expand in the future while Jews have the weakest growth prospects.Read More »‘No religion group’ 3rd largest in the world




Do we really need guns and cannons, drones and bombs particularly when we don’t have sufficient milk and food for our innocent children, medicines for our ailing patients and books for our deserving students? Certainly not; we will have to decide what we need and what we not. The wrong choice of needs and necessities is always the basic flaw that leads a society to a catastrophic destruction. Peace could never be possible in presence of weapons. No war can last longer if the confronting armies run short of arms and ammunitions. For a safer and a prosperous future of the world, all we need is to put a check on the manufacturing, production, trade and supply of weapons. Issues, particularly the conflicting issues are an integral part of life but these issues must be settled through talks and negotiations, not by use of force. Peace and harmony must be the top-most priority for everyone, at individual as well as at regional level. ‘World needs peace’ must be the most important slogan for all of us.Read More »JUST FOR A PEACEFUL TOMORROW