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Musharraf himself crossed LoC during Kargil mission

ISLAMABAD/NEW DELHI – In an explosive revelation, Colonel (r) Ashfaq Hussain has accused former president General (r) Pervez Musharraf of aggression against India in 1999, saying the former army chief had himself crossed the Line of Control (LoC).
Hussain, in his book Witness to Blunder, said the Kargil mission was masterminded by Major General Javed Hassan, General Mehmood and General Aziz. “They made Musharraf agree to the plans which later led to a limited conflict between India and Pakistan,” he wrote. Hussain claimed Musharraf had himself crossed the LoC and spent a night on the Indian-controlled side. “On March 28, 1999 General Pervez Musharraf crossed 11 kms beyond the LoC on a helicopter and was escorted by Colonel Amjad Shabbir at a location named Zakriya Mustakar.” He wrote Pakistan began its operation in Kargil on December 18, 1998 when Captain Nadeem, Captain Ali and Hawaldaar Lalak Jaan crossed the LoC to carry out a recce.Read More »Musharraf himself crossed LoC during Kargil mission


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PROFESSOR ALI SUKHANVER In this world of conspiracies, spreading of depression has proved one of the very successful strategies used as the war tactics and its repercussions are more fatal and lethal than those of… Read More »ALL AGAINST TERRORISM

The long lost Basant

Association asks Supreme Court to allow kite flying in rural areas

LAHORE: As authorities are planning to continue the ban on the festival of kites this year, the All Pakistan Kite Flying Association has urged the Supreme Court chief justice to allow holding the festival outside the urban areas so that the centuries-old tradition could be preserved.

All Pakistan Kite Flying Association Chairman Khawaja Nadeem Wayn said that around 150,000 people in Lahore and 180,000 people in Gujranwala and Kasur districts, affiliated with the kite industry, had lost their jobs and were facing hardship, as they had no other means to earn livelihood.
Read More »The long lost Basant




AliSakhanverA few weeks back the Pakistan army published its new Green Book which identified internal insurgent forces as the country’s principal national security threat. The book also indicated a shift of concentration of the Pakistan army from Eastern borders to the western front. This doctrinal change was warmly welcomed by various sections of the national and the international society and it was being hoped that the relations between Pakistan and India would get better as a result of this shift of concentration. Moreover it was also expected that the process of giving India the status of the ‘Most Favoured Nation’ would also expedite. But unfortunately just after the announcement of the policy of this shift in Read More »HOSTILE FRIENDS



ali-sukhanver2According to the New York Times, an ex-CIA officer Mr. John C. Kiriakou is scheduled to be sentenced to 30 months in prison as part of a plea deal in which he admitted violating the Intelligence Identities Protection Act by e-mailing the name of a covert C.I.A officer to a freelance reporter. The paper says Mr. Kiriakou, 48, earned numerous commendations in nearly 15 years at the C.I.A some of which were spent undercover overseas chasing Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. He led the team in 2002 that found Abu Zubaydah, a terrorist logistics specialist for Al Qaeda, andRead More »LEARNING FROM THE USA