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ali-sukhanver2Just a few days back, I was really stunned rather shocked when I overheard someone at a roadside restaurant convincing vehemently his fellows that the army would never let Nawaz League wins with simple majority. I stopped there and asked the person why he thought so. He simply said he got the impression through media. I could comment nothing. Do we really enjoy being in a state of oblivion or it is the result of some international medication that we have turned a blind eye to the realities around us; that is the question to which I very often try to find out an appropriate answer. Confusions and confusions; we, as a nation, have nothing else in our pockets. Be it the religion, the politics or our relationship with the Read More »IN SUPPORT OF DEMOCRACY

New Islamabad International Airport (BBIA) update March, 2013


The on-going construction work for provision of various facilities in the terminal building of new Benazir Bhutto International Airport (BBIA) stepped up to make it operational by 2014.

The work on signage, counters, seating, trolleys, furniture, fitting-out and resource centre in the passenger terminal building is likely to be completed by the end of this year.
Read More »New Islamabad International Airport (BBIA) update March, 2013

Expo Milano 2015 to have 123 Official Participants

By Khurram Schahzad

Pakistan is among the participating countries.
The Pakistani flag flies high on the main street of Milan, near the Duomo, together with the flags of the other participating countries. It is such an important sign for the Pakistani community living in Milan and Italy

On February 8th 2012, Pakistan was the 72nd country to confirm its Official Participation at Expo Milano 2015, the next Universal Exposition to be held in Milan, Italy, from May 1st to October 31st 2015. The Pakistani flag flies high on the main street of Milan, near the Duomo, together with the flags of the other 123 countries that have confirmed their participation, and is a source of pride for the Pakistani community in Italy.Read More »Expo Milano 2015 to have 123 Official Participants


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‘The death toll rose to at least 37 in violence sparked by a controversial death sentence handed down against the head of an Islamic party for war crimes committed during the country’s 1971 war of independence’, reported The Los Angeles Times on the first day of this March. The paper further says, ‘Tensions have been running high in recent weeks as verdicts were announced in the trials linked to the 1971 war. About 53 people have died since the first verdict on Jan. 21.’ The blazing flames of artificially created abhorrence and hatred have started engulfing the musically magical and enchantingly peaceful fairyland of Bangladesh. Whatever there is happening in Bangladesh is nothing unexpected. After pushing Pakistan and Afghanistan into an inferno of terrorism and destruction, it was already expected that the international conspirators would turn their guns to Bangladesh simply because Bangladesh is one of the few Read More »NOW IT IS BANGLADESH

IDEX 2013

Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan The 11th International Defence Exhibition (IDEX) 2013 was held in UAE, Abu Dhabi during February 17-21, 2012. More than 1,112 companies from some 59 countries participated in the strategically most important… Read More »IDEX 2013


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AliSakhanverRecently a Bangladeshi judicial tribunal sentenced life imprisonment to Abdul Qader Mullah, a leader of Jamat-e-Islami, for his role during the independence war against Pakistan in 1971. According to the media reports, somewhere in 2010, the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina initiated the process of trying those accused of committing crimes against humanity during the war, under an amended 1973 law. Last month, the tribunal sentenced another member of Jamat-e-Islami Abul Kalam Azad to death in the first war-crimes trial verdict. The hi-ups of Jamat-e-Islami say that all these charges are politically motivated because Jamat-e-Islami was a key partner in the former government of Khaleda Zia. The political opponents of Mrs. Sheikh Hasina, the present prime minister of Bangladesh, blame her of playing in the hands of Indian conspirators. Read More »MISUNDERSTANDINGS BETWEEN PAKISTAN AND BANGLADESH