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Pakistan’s twisting, turning politicians

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PESHAWAR: For politicians in most countries, switching parties is a once-in-a-career move made only after careful thought. But in Pakistan, changing sides to gain advantage is standard practice.

Since entering politics in 1996, Arbab Khizer Hayat has switched his party allegiance 14 times, and he is far from alone. Dozens of others have done so and as the May 11 general election approaches, the trend is increasing.

The hallway of Hayat’s huge mansion in the northwestern city of Peshawar is adorned with pictures of him with former president Ghulam Ishaq. And former prime minister Benazir Bhutto. And former prime minister Nawaz Sharif.Read More »Pakistan’s twisting, turning politicians




ali-sukhanver2The General Elections 2013 shall give a new colour to the history of Pakistan. Now-a-days one could feel a great hustle and bustle among all political sections of society in Pakistan because it is the very first time that a politically elected democratic government successfully completed its tenure. The results of the upcoming elections would show, up to what level, the previous government succeeded in fulfilling the expectations of the people of Pakistan. Elections do not mean just stamping a piece of paper and thrusting it into the ballot box; elections mean far more. Since very after the creation of Pakistan, the politicians have been raising a great hue and cry that military dictators never let them do their workRead More »THE ONGOING POLITICAL PROCESS IN PAKISTAN

Elections 2013: Illiterate Pakistani housewife makes vote history

KHAR: A Pakistani housewife, who cannot read or write despite being married to a headteacher, has made history by becoming the first woman approved to run for election in the Taliban-infested tribal belt.
Badam Zari, 53, may have little chance of winning, but her enthusiasm has been seized upon as a step towards emancipation in one of the most conservative parts of Pakistan, where women live in purdah and few even vote.
“I am contesting the election with passion, with a clean heart and a clear conscience. My passion is to educate the future generation, girls and women, and to serve them,” she told AFP in a telephone interview from Bajaur district.
“I know I am the first woman to contest and I am hopeful that I will win.”Read More »Elections 2013: Illiterate Pakistani housewife makes vote history

Hugo Chavez

“Those who die for life cannot be called dead”

He was born on 28 July 1954 in a lower middle class family. Both of his mother and father were schoolteachers. He spent his childhood with his grandmother in poverty. He completed his high school education from Daniel O Leary from city of Barians. It was the only high school in the state at that time.Read More »Hugo Chavez

Pakistani youth prefer Shariya law or military rule over democracy

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British Councel Survey

 More than half of young Pakistanis believe democracy has not been good for their country and nearly 40 percent are in favour of having Islamic sharia rule, according to a survey published Wednesday.

Pakistan goes to the polls in a historic general election on May 11, but the report by the British Council found deep pessimism about the political system among voters aged 18 to 29.Read More »Pakistani youth prefer Shariya law or military rule over democracy