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“That was no doubt the most dreadful night of my life,” a Swiss tourist in her late thirties was talking to the media in a tone filled with harassment and fear. She had been on a visit to India this March with her husband. “I had just changed my dress and was simply wearing a night gown when six wild stinking Indians thronged at the door of my room. They started beating my husband ruthlessly, threw him out of the room and within a few minutes I was a helpless prey and they were the hunters. I could never forget their wild brutality. The whole of my body was painfully bleeding when they left my room after raping me for the continuous three hours. That time I did not have even the strength and courage to go to the Read More »WHAT HAPPENED THAT DREADFUL NIGHT

Donkey population rose sharply in Pakistan

 The donkey population in the country sharply rose during the five-year tenure of the Pakistan People’s Party-led coalition government, revealed the Pakistan Economic Survey 2012-13.

The donkey population welcomed 300,000 new members during the past five years, while the population of horses, camels and mules remained stagnant, according to the survey. Interestingly, the survey noted, it took General (retd) Pervez Musharraf almost a decade to add 600,000 donkeys during his eight-year military rule, while Nawaz Sharif only took two-years to add the same number to the donkey population.

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The recent conflict between China and India in the Ladakh region of LAC has simply widened the already growing differences and increasing distances between the two countries. The situation remained very much tense and bitter for more than twenty days and the issue was resolved after intense negotiations during a flag meeting between Indian and Chinese commanders. The recent conflict started when fifty soldiers from China’s People’s Liberation Army crossed about 10 miles inside the disputed territory and set up a tented post. According to the DNA India, the Chinese soldiers subsequently put up four more tents and also deployed Molosser dogs. These fifty soldiers belonged to the Chinese Quick Read More »CHINA ON A ROAD TO WISDOM


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 The Muslim community in India constitutes about 13.4% of the total Indian population but the people belonging to this community are leading a miserable life even worse than the Dalits. The Muslims are the real Untouchables. Last year in July, a very renowned and esteemed news paper of India, The Hindu sent an investigative team of its reporters to different residential areas of the Capital Delhi and assigned to it the task of finding a flat for a Muslim family. The team went to different property agents but everywhere it got the same response, “The landlords want only Indians, not Muslims.” The reporting team contacted Radha of Gulshan properties in New Friends Colony, New Delhi also. A few days back the Gulshan Read More »SOS CALL FROM MINORITIES IN INDIA



ali-sukhanver2Though the nation is very much delighted over the continuity of democratic process in Pakistan but this feeling of joy and happiness won’t last longer if the tree of democracy does not bear the desired fruit. The list of the problems which this nation has been facing since long is not endless but it requires a lot of hard work, determination and above all a sincere will to resolve these problems. Unfortunately in the previous five years, the elected government wasted a lot of time in strengthening itself in the name of stabilizing democracy and nothing could be done for the betterment of common people and prosperity of the country. The PPP government could have delivered a lot to the people if the democratically elected representatives had behaved in a sensible manner. The situation today is the same as it was five years back. Ever increasing energy crisis, unemployment, scarcity of opportunities, a feeling of disappointment and depression and above all the uncontrollable wave of terrorism; in short nothing could be changed. The way the whole nation reacted to the inability of the previous government is very much obvious from the results of the recent elections. Same would be the fate of the newly elected public representatives if they did not learn a lesson from the past. The people of Pakistan demand nothing but peace and prosperity and both these desires are unachievable unless the menace of terrorism is crushed with iron hands.Read More »ANOTHER TYPE OF TERRORISM

FAFEN releases list of polling stations with over 100% turnout in Pak Elections

ISLAMABAD, May 13, 2013 – Based on data gathered by Free and Fair Election Network observers at polling stations showing impossible voter turnout greater than 100%, FAFEN called on the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to release all polling station Statements of the Count (Form XIV) to the public on its website before certifying any final election results in any constituency.

The voter turnout was more than 100% in at least 49 polling stations out of 8,119 polling stations sampled by FAFEN across Pakistan, according to Statements of the Count delivered so far by FAFEN observers.  Read More »FAFEN releases list of polling stations with over 100% turnout in Pak Elections