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ali-sukhanver2Exploitation could be of so many kinds and so many shapes but in every form and every type, it is simply an evil, a menace and a nuisance. Among all forms of exploitation, emotional exploitation is no doubt one of the most effective tools, very frequently used or misused by most of us at different occasions throughout our life. Usually the people involved in the act of emotional exploitation are very well aware of the soft-corners hidden somewhere in the seclusions of the heart of the person they intend to exploit. Children exploit their parents, the politicians exploit their voters, the voters exploit the candidates, the employers exploit their employees and the employees exploit their employers but the worst form of Read More »MISUSE OF RELIGION

Eight nuclear states possess 17,270 nukes

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The 2013 report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has revealed that eight nuclear countries—the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan and Israel possess a total of approximately 17,270 nukes including operational warheads, spares, those in both active and inactive storage and intact warheads scheduled for dismantlement.

According to SIPRI, at the start of 2013, the eight afore-mentioned nuclear states had possessed approximately 4,400 operational nuclear weapons, of which nearly 2,000 have been kept in a state of high operational alert.Read More »Eight nuclear states possess 17,270 nukes


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     Whenever we discuss the role of law enforcement agencies, particularly with specific reference to the continuous wave of terrorism in Pakistan, we simply ignore the reality that the role and responsibility of the law enforcement agencies is absolutely different from that of the intelligence agencies. And not only in Pakistan but all over the world, this difference in the working of law enforcement agencies and the things assigned to the intelligence agencies is very much obvious. An intelligence agency simply gets the information and passes it to the law enforcement agencies which work under the direct command of the local civil administration. If an intelligence agency fails in acquiring prior information regarding any terrorist activity, the agency must be taken to task; but in the   situation otherwise, that intelligence agency must not blamed of inefficiency.Read More »COUNTERING TERRORISM


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Sometimes it seems next to impossible to decide what the actual problem of Balochistan is. Countless targeted killings, kidnappings, suicide attacks and bomb blasts have deprived the beautiful land of Balochistan of peace and prosperity. Just a few years back there was an impression that only the non-Balochis are being targeted in Balochistan. As a result of this impression thousands of Punjabis, Mohajirs, Sindhis and people from other ethnic identities started saying good-bye to Balochistan. But unfortunately the story of violence took another shift; unknown and unidentified Read More »FOREIGN HANDS IN BALOCHISTAN

Women challenge men in Pakistan’s first female jirga

AKHUN BABA: When 16-year-old Tahira was murdered in a horrific acid attack last year, her poverty-stricken parents got no justice. Pakistan officials slammed the door in their faces and the police refused to listen.

The prime suspect – the girl’s abusive husband – lived in freedom until the case was taken up by Pakistan’s first female jirga, a community assembly set up to win justice for women in the face of immense discrimination.Read More »Women challenge men in Pakistan’s first female jirga