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How fear of Qaeda hurts US more than Qaeda

David Rohde:  Three disclosures this week show that the United States is losing its way in the struggle against terrorism. Sweeping government efforts to stop attacks are backfiring abroad and infringing on basic rights at home.
CIA drone strikes are killing scores of civilians in Pakistan and Yemen. The National Security Agency is eavesdropping on tens of millions of phone calls worldwide – including those of 35 foreign leaders – in the name of US security.
And the Department of Homeland Security is using algorithms to “prescreen” travellers before they board domestic flights, reviewing government and private databases that include Americans’ tax identification numbers, car registrations and property records.
Will we create a Minority Report-style Department of Precrime next?Read More »How fear of Qaeda hurts US more than Qaeda



ali-sukhanver2Fame and prominence are very natural type of desires. Living and dying in this world without any recognition and without being acknowledged is something very difficult and very unnatural. Different people adopt different ways and manners to satisfy their desire of fame and recognition. Some take the sword of knowledge in their hands and some opt for the service of suffering humanity but some unfortunates go for a way which though brings fame and prominence but deprives them of reliability and credibility. Throughout the world one can find countless characters of the same types who are so much fame-craving that for the achievement of this interest they even ignore the religion they follow and the land they belong to.  They all of a sudden forget what their country has showered upon them and what blessings their religion has brought for them. All these thoughts on fame and recognition stormed into my mind when during net-surfing, I came by an article written by Mr. Hussain Haqqani, published in the Washington Post of 13th June, 2012. The title of this write up was, ‘My Real Crime.’   Read More »JUST FOR FAME AND PROMINENCE

SMS to 9988 to know passport status

Islamabad: Directorate General of Immigration and Passports has launched a short messaging service (SMS) to help the applicants track their passports and get them easily.

The applicants can find their documents by sending an SMS, containing their tracking number to 9988, whereby the automated system would respond with the information containing the status of their passport.

“It is one of the key milestones in easing the process of receiving passports as the hassle for an individual to visit the passport office repeatedly has been removed and one can confirm the status of his/her passport status through SMS service,” said Director General (I&P) Sikander Sultan Raja.Read More »SMS to 9988 to know passport status



ali-sukhanver2Death is always very painful, not only for the one who dies but also for those who are left behind to mourn over his death. If the process of dying is natural, the feeling of loss is minimized with the passage of time but if death is the result of some cruelty or brutality, the sense of loss among the dear and near ones of the deceased one keeps on increasing. This never ending feeling of loss is always prevalent among those whose kith and kin are forced to the realm of death as a result of some suicidal attack, some bomb blast or drone attacks. It is only the dear and near ones of martyred soldiers who never repent or mourn over their death because they know their beloved ones have sacrificed their life for their motherland. But sometimes even the sacrifices of soldiers defending their country become a constant source of pain and agony for the members of their family. This is what the world saw a few weeks back in Indian Occupied Kashmir where in two different incidents fifteen members of the law enforcing agencies, including army and police officials, were callously targeted by the so-called terrorists but later on it came to the Read More »DON’T BE SO CALLOUS



ali-sukhanver2 Addressing the 68th UN General Assembly, the Indian Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh raised his serious concerns over terrorism coming to India from across the border. He also spoke on Security Council reform and reiterated that diplomacy be given a chance in resolving the crisis in Syria and Iran. He said, “We believe that if there’s a strong India, that’s good for the world, and it’s ultimately good for the US.” If the honourable Prime Minister had viewed The New Indian Express of 4th September 2013, before addressing the UN General Assembly, he would certainly have added a few lines in his speech regarding the deplorable condition of the Sikh community in India. According to The New Indian Express, US Read More »DEPLORABLE FATE OF THE SIKHS IN INDIA

Datchi Express in Lahore

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datchi-expressDistrict Coordination Officer Naseem Sadiq has inaugurated ‘Datchi Express’ on Friday at Regal Chowk, The Mall, under Dilkash Lahore Project. The Express would entertain children from Chairing Cross to Town Hall.
A large number of people including the parliamentarians and the CDGL officers were present on the occasion.Read More »Datchi Express in Lahore