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Afghan officials begin handing over security check posts to Taliban

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US alarmed by surprising move

December 23, 2013: In a surprising development the Afghan security officials have begun handing over several security check-posts to Afghan Taliban peacefully.

The latest action by Afghan security forces took the U.S. officials by storm and U.S. Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel had to make a statement that he was concerned by “unconfirmed reports that Afghan forces turned some security checkpoints over to the Taliban.”
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Musharraf to file review petition against SC decision

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December 23, 2013

musharraf Former President General (Retd) Pervez Musharraf is all set to file a review petition against the Supreme Court’s July 31, 2009 verdict regarding imposition of emergency 2007 on Monday. According to reports, teams of legal counsellors have been set up to defend the former dictator that will defend Musharraf nationally and internationally.

Sources of All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) said that Advocate Ibrahim Satti will file an application against the SC decision.Read More »Musharraf to file review petition against SC decision

Pakistan in search of new life

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Dr Mahboob A Khwaja

Nothing has changed over the years except Pakistan is floating in a bubble of political, social, economic and strategic entanglement and it is just a matter of time that foreign masters could undermine its flight without notice. Pakistanis are camouflaged into a world of fantasy and dream that crime-riddled corrupt politics of the few could rescue them from catastrophic consequences unthinkable to conventional wisdom at the present.
Read More »Pakistan in search of new life


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Despite huge voices there is so far no answer as to from where came Rs. 5.5 billion recently paid for settling the circular debit. Was this through further extra printing of currency notes or taken/diverted from any other fund/source? Though Sheikh Rasheed’s question in the assembly was answered but according to Rauf Klasra the two page answer was complete with undesired technical definitions lacking any hint to the real question from where came this money.  Katrina Hussain the anchor commented, this might have been taken “from different funds.  Sheikh Rasheed still Read More »GOODBYE, MY LORDSHIP AND OUR TWO OVERSEAS FUNDS



ali-sukhanver2The recent brutal killing of Molana Moavia, a leader of Ahl-e-Sunnat-wal-Jammat in Lahore is a proof that the terrorists have now planned to shift their battle-field from other cities of Pakistan to Lahore, the Provincial Capital of Punjab. Though the law enforcement agencies of Pakistan are doing their utmost to bridle the outrageous fiend of terrorism but the terrorists are also very well-equipped and very well-determined to make this nation a slave to their cruel desire. Let us wait and see who is going to win over this battle. But one thing must be very much clear that ideologies could never be imposed by force; minds are never a conquerable piece of land. Since the terrorists have weapons in their hands; they could Read More »SHIFTING THE BATTLE FIELD