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ali-sukhanver2 Sometimes memories prove a gigantic hurdle in our way to progress particularly when they are nightmare-like bitterly unpleasant and horribly painful; but for a brighter future and a successful present, it is always advisable to get rid of all such pinching memories. But unfortunately there are some people who love to remain in the darkness of their past; Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh is also one of such personalities. With the passage of time, instead of getting weaker, her decades old enmity with Pakistan is getting stronger day by day. She is always busy in doing the things which could cause a serious damage to the socio-political future of Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina has badly failed in coming up to the Read More »A TROUBLESOME LADY

Mobile verification system to curb car theft in Islamabad

Islamabad Police has introduced a mobile verification system to curb car theft as it has prepared a database where the information of stolen vehicles would be incorporated.
The police personnel deployed at various check-points are able to check details of any vehicle, through SMS, by entering its registration number. This has helped the police in nabbing vehicles with fake registration numbers, and it has already recovered 124 stolen vehicles. The information issued by the ministry of interior and narcotics control on Sunday said that the capital police had also recovered 111 cars out of the total 714 registered stolen cases from different public places and markets of Islamabad stolen during the last twelve months.
The comparative data of stolen cars since June 1 to December 31, 2012 and June 1 to December 31, 2013 revealed that 71 accused persons for stealing cars were also arrested.Read More »Mobile verification system to curb car theft in Islamabad



ali-sukhanver2 “The town where I have been living with my family for the last fifty years is one of the most peaceful towns of Balochistan. My parents and my grand parents, all were born there and certainly all are buried there too. We have about hundred houses in our neighborhood and we all are very much close to one another. Some of our people are in the army and some in the local police; some of us are in government service and some are engaged in farming. During the last ten years we have so many times heard that the security forces and the intelligence agencies are kidnapping people and most of the kidnapped Balochis never come back to their homes; their dead bodies are found on deserted roads and streets; but to tell you the truth, it never happened in our town.” This statement of Mujahid Baloch, a middle-aged train-guard, was altogether unexpected to me; I knew he was a Baloch, a Baloch who practically resides in Balochistan and certainly has the first hand knowledge of the things. It was somewhere in the mid of June last year, I was traveling to Karachi by train.  Mujahid Baloch, the conductor guard of the train seemed very strict and dutiful type of a person. He drew my attention when I found him snubbing a passenger who was traveling without ticket. The passenger claimed that he was a journalist, so he was entitled to travel without ticket. The conductor guard said that he would simply made a call to the engine driver and ask him to stop the train at the nearest station if that passenger was not willing to buy ticket. At last that self-claimed journalist had to surrender. I appreciated the courage, determination and dutifulness of that conductor guard. He told me that he was a Baloch and a Baloch never surrenders if he is on right. For the next two hours we two had a very informative discussion on different topics particularly on the issue of the missing persons in Balochistan. I was expecting he would be very much aggressive and violent in his views but he was not. He simply concluded the discussion by saying, “Stop the interference of the foreign intelligence agencies in Balochistan, keep a vigilant guard on the boundaries and give the Baloch people all those facilities and human rights which people of other provinces are enjoying; the Balochis also belong to this land; don’t doubt their patriotism.”Read More »BALOCHISTAN IS NOT A NO-MAN’S-LAND


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ali-sukhanver2The law and order situation in Pakistan would have been altogether different, if Pakistan were not so generous in hosting millions of Afghan Refugees. Pakistan is still hosting over 1.61 million registered Afghan refugees and this is the largest number of refugees with the ever longest stay in the present history of the world. According to a document of UNHCR, the return of almost 3.8 million registered Afghan refugees has been made possible since 2002. In spite of the fact that some of the Afghan Refugees have ever been involved in anti-Pakistan activities, the government of Pakistan has never tried to push them back across the borders simply because it has always been the basic ingredient of  the Pakistan’s policy to safeguard the basic human rights to every possible extent.Read More »SAY FAREWELL TO BATTLEFIELD


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ali-sukhanver2Separation of Balochistan from Pakistan is a demand of the people of Balochistan or a desire of the international conspirators; certainly not a very confusing question. If it were a demand of the people of Balochistan, they would not have taken a very vibrant part in the previous Local Bodies Elections as well as in the National Elections. Before these elections some of the analysts had been highlighting the fear of the so-called separatists that the elected leaders would emerge as a force at the grassroots with a vested interest in preserving the system. This fear simply exposed the hollowness of the claims of the separatists regarding the majority of the Baloch being opposed to Pakistan. On the other hand a few Read More »ILLOGICAL DESIRE