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ALI SUKHANVER“Go back—Go back—It is the time to go back”, the hard and stony mountains of Afghanistan are yelling at Mr. Karzai but he is not willing to listen to them; he never imagines himself going out of the political realm, he has been ruling over for the last thirteen years. He whispers to himself, “I am Hamid Karzai; only death can throw me out of my realm.” It is something very hard on his part that constitutional bindings did not let him contest the presidential elections for the third time but even then he is stubbornly striving to cling to the power and authority. Karzai doesn’t know how important is the peace and prosperity in Afghanistan particularly when the western forces say good-bye to the Afghan lands; all he knows is that he must remain a part of this power-seeking game. So he is always found involved in designing new schemes and new plans to satisfy his insane desire of remaining a player of the power-seeking game in Afghanistan.Read More »KARZAI—DESPERATE BREATHING



ali-sukhanver2“A few days back the Pakistan’s High Commission at New Delhi received an anonymous warning letter in which the staff members of the High commission were threatened seriously,” reported the Times of India last month. According to the details the staff members of the Pakistan’s High Commission raised the issue with Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs which ultimately discussed the matter with Indian authorities and requested an investigation into the threat-letter. The Indian authorities were also asked to increase the security at Pakistan’s embassy in New Delhi because according to the international rules and regulations it is the responsibility of the Indian government to ensure the protection of the Pakistani High Commission and its staff. Unfortunately nothing practical has yet been done to seek for the culprits who sent this threat-letter to Pakistan’s Embassy in India. A spokesman of the Indian government commented on the situation in a very casual way by saying, “We provide maximum possible security to all missions and same is the case with Pakistan.” The spokesman Read More »UNDIPLOMATIC BEHAVIOURS


PROFESSOR ALI SUKHANVER This highly civilized, educated and marvelously scientific world of today says that child labour is simply a severe violation of basic human rights; but in spite of this realization, throughout the world… Read More »CHILD LABOUR IN INDIA