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ALI SUKHANVERTo the handful unlucky Pakistanis who dream of a very cordial rather brotherly relationship with India, the news of arrest of Arun Selvarajan, a Lankan national, would not be very much pleasing. The Indian media says this Lankan national is a spy working for Pakistan. Selvarajan was carrying two passports when he was arrested — Sri Lankan and Indian. The officials of National Investigation Agency of India in Chennai (NIA) officials told the Indian media that this man was arrested for spying at the behest of Islamabad. The Indian investigators blamed that an official in the Pakistan High Commission in Colombo was his handler and provided funds to him. It was also told to the media that Selvarajan is part of the Thameem Ansari gang. Ansari, an alleged Pakistani spy, was earlier arrested with dossiers on Indian defense installations.Read More »THE LANKAN GANGSTER?




ALI SUKHANVERA few years back, I remember, I penned down an article, ‘Sri Lanka Thanks Pakistan’; the article was published in various national and international papers and magazines. The background of this write-up was Sri Lanka’s achievement in wiping off the LTTE terrorists and throwing them away from the Sri Lankan lands. In response to my write-up, a professor from some Sri Lankan university mailed me a letter in which he categorically stated that without moral and military support of Pakistan, the LTTE terrorists could have never been defeated. He had further stated that the Sri Lankan nation would never forget the favour and support provided by Pakistan in that time of trial and trouble. I Read More »WAR CRIMES IN SRI LANKA?????


ALI SUKHANVER  What happens when we start glorifying the things which don’t deserve even the slightest attention of us? What happens when we start giving importance to the events and incidents which must not be… Read More »TERRORISTS GLORIFIED