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Ali SukhanverAccording to a recent report an NGO Idara-e-Ilmo Aagahi has allegedly distributed Indian books in more than 150 primary schools of interior Sind. These books are published from Indian cities New Delhi and Bangalore. Report says that on the face of every book ‘Read India’ is printed. The runners of this NGO plead that they have distributed these books in few schools of Lasbaila, Quetta and Interior Sind. They say that they have acquired permission from the Secretary Education Sind for distribution of these books in Sind. In his writ-petition a resident of Khairpur Sind has asked the government of Sind to ban these books because there is objectionable material in these books. This report has put a question mark on the working of NGOs in Pakistan. Recently the FBR Pakistan exposed an NGO of the same type. According to the details this Karachi-based NGO apparently worked for the betterment of labourers but inwardly it worked for the hidden interests of Pakistan’s ever-worst hostile country India.Read More »STREAMLINING NGOs IN PAKISTAN


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Ali SukhanverStanding outside the scenario, it is always very easy to comment on a situation and analyze it without becoming a part of it. Same is the case with Balochistan. What is the actual issue of Balochistan; lawlessness, separatist elements, deprivation of the Baloch people, the negligence on the part of the past federal government or the indifference of the Baloch Sardars to the basic problems of the Baloch people? Various people might have various opinions in this regard but the actual analysis could be done only by the people of Balochistan.

The people of Balochistan complain that the federal government had never been serious in resolving their issues in the past. Every government gives importance to the Sardars and no doubt showers blessings upon them but these Sardars never share these blessings with the common people of Balochistan. There has ever been a serious lack of facilities regarding health, education and communication in Balochistan. The preciously beneficial Sui Gas is a source of providing energy to whole of the country but the people of Balochistan do not get any benefit of it. People are suffering from serious diseases because of scarcity of clear drinking water. Schools and colleges of standard education are few and far between and same is the case with roads and bridges. That is why the Baloch students have to proceed to Sind and Punjab for better education. No factories and no industrial projects are there to adjust the Baloch youth and to provide them job opportunities. In such a depressing situation rage and anger are very natural outcome.  It could be true that the people of Balochistan are very much dissatisfied with the indifference and unresponsiveness on the part of the federal and provincial governments and of the Sardars. But it does not mean that they want to be detached from Pakistan or they are seeking for ‘independence’ from Pakistan. Taking advantage of this scenario, various foreign supported elements are trying their utmost to change Balochistan into a blazing inferno but they have yet not succeeded simply because every Baloch heart is filled with love for Pakistan. Love never lets you say Good-Bye.Read More »JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS IN BALOCHISTAN


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Ali SukhanverFor the Indian Prime Minister Modi, his ongoing visit to UK is not going to be a very pleasant one as reports say that this visit seems controversial among some elements of the Indian community. A spokesman of the Sikh Human Rights Group said talking to the media, “Modi wants to sell the idea of a ‘Digital India’, a ‘Clean India’ and a ‘developed and self-sufficient India.’ The reality is the unleashing of violence packed authoritarian agenda that seeks to undermine India’s democratic and secular fabric.” The leaders of the Sikh community in UK have sent a list of proposals to New Delhi regarding their demands. These proposals include abolishing ‘blacklists’ of Sikhs living abroad who cannot travel to India, release of prisoners held for political reasons, and a dialogue between the Indian government and Sikhs based abroad. Of all those who are planning to protest during Modi’s visit to UK, the Sikhs are the most active ones. A UK-based non-governmental Sikh organization Sikh Federation has created a twitter handle (Dal Khalsa-UK) and a Google page to mobilize people for protests. Read More »A KILLER IN UK



Ali SukhanverOn 14th October 2015, the Congress leader Rita Bahuguna Joshi in a statement alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was carrying forward the agenda of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), which is to divide the nation and to seek power. Talking to ANI Joshi said, ‘”It is the double speak of the party. Mr. Modi cannot wash his hands off. This is a Fascist ideology, supported by the BJP and Narendra Modi. He is carrying forward the agenda of RSS. The political agenda of the RSS is to divide the nation and to remain in power and to seek power and I think he is badly exposed.’ All words and actions of Mr. Modi are a proof that he is very much committed to the philosophy followed by the RSS. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh commonly known as the RSS is an organization which claims to struggle for giving India back its lost identity as a Hindu state. The RSS was founded in 1925 as an anti-colonial organization. It promotes a fundamentally different vision that draws on a mix of Hindu legends and ancient Indian history, when the subcontinent was home to some of the world’s most advanced civilizations.Read More »THE RSS IN ACTION