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Ali display picWorld popular Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan is passing through the ever worst period of his life as an actor. His bad days started last November on his 50th birthday. Those were the days when countless writers, actors, professors and students joined hands together in protest against repeated incidents of religious intolerance against the minorities in India. Talking at a press conference at Mumbai he had said, “Religious intolerance and not being secular…is the worst kind of crime that you can do as a patriot”. When the media-men asked him if he was ready to give up his awards in protest much like those over the past month, Shah Rukh Khan said he would, in a symbolic gesture if asked to. “Let me get a National Award, and then I will return it”, said he. The Hindu extremists expressed their worst reaction on this statement and started protesting all over India. On 14th February 2016 around 04.30 in the morning some members of Vishva Hindu Parishad started pelting stones at Shah Rukh’s car which was parked at hotel Hyatt Regency on Ashram Road, Ahmadabad. Police arrested three of the VHP members booked in this connection. According to the Press Trust of India the Gujarat unit of VHP claimed responsibility for the incident. The most positive aspect of the story is that the government of India has yet not dragged Pakistan into this pelting episode on Shah Rukh’s car because it has become a tradition in India that all official investigative agencies of India do nothing but simply focus all their efforts on finding the traces of Pakistan behind every troublesome activity.Read More »THE INNOCENT SHAH RUKH KHAN


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Ali display picEvery word has its own taste and own flavour; some words are sweet and some are bitter and some are sugar coated. If you feel any difficulty in understanding what are the ‘Sugar Coated’ words, just go through the following few lines. I have copied these lines from Face Book page of the Georgetown University. Under the title of Asian Studies, the details of an interview with Mr. Hussain Haqqani have been posted. These lines are written in the introduction to that interview. ‘What does Pakistan’s future hold? Can one imagine a prosperous democratic Pakistan in which Read More »PREDICTING PAKISTAN’S FUTURE??



According to a recent report, an estimated 68,000 people have died in the fighting and ensuing crackdown by Indian forces till now. Resentment over Indian rule in the disputed region is now mostly expressed through street protests. The people of Kashmir have to face a new kind of atrocity at the hands of the Indian security forces every day but the cruelest one is the disgrace of Kashmiri women. Dr Anjana Chatterjee is a Kolkata based activist and anthropologist. While speaking at a seminar ‘Experience of Detainees’ in Srinagar, Chatterjee referred to a Human Rights Watch report, ‘Disgracing of women is being used as a war weapon by the Indian Army to punish Kashmiris for their demand of right to self-determination, 7000 Kashmiri women have yet been gang raped in homes, streets and army camps by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir.’ This situation calls for sincere attention and efforts of the international forces who claim to be the care-takers of the suffering humanity throughout the world.Read More »INDIAN CRUELTIES IN KASHMIR



Ali SukhanverThe asylum application filed by Nawab Akbar Bugti’s grandson Brahamdagh Bugti has been rejected by the Swiss immigration authorities. This rejection was on the basis of Pakistan’s decision of declaring him a terrorist. Pakistan had declared Brahamdagh Bugti-led Baloch Republican Party BRP as a terrorist organization. It is something very positive on the part of the Swiss government that it honoured the decision of Pakistan and did not accept Brahamdagh’s application for asylum. The decision of the Swiss government is a proof that the whole world is united against the menace of terrorism. Terrorism is such a horrible scourge that its remedy is next to impossible unless all countries get united against it.  Pakistan has expressed gratitude to the Swiss government for turning down the political asylum plea submitted by this self-exiled Baloch separatist leader. Certainly this situation would be very painful for Brahamdagh Bugti; he is a tribal lord and for tribal lords requesting and appealing is considered against the tribal traditions.




Ali SukhanverThe National Investigation Agency of India has issued summons to a Punjab Superintendent of Police, who was allegedly abducted by terrorists involved in the Pathankot attack. The probe agency has picked up some foot prints in the fields of a border village and the IAF base in Pathankot and sent them to central forensic lab for matching. Official sources did not rule out the possibility of subjecting the alleged Superintendent of Police to lie detector test. Involvement of an official belonging to a security agency is not only very much disappointing but also very much alarming. It is disappointing in a sense that the terrorists have become so strong in India that they succeeded in luring a high official to help them out in a terrorist activity. Certainly the government of India and the intelligence agencies of India will have to be more vigilant and more alert in keeping an eye on all officials working in security agencies of India along with the terrorists.Read More »PATHANKOT DISASTER


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Ali Sukhanver‘Where do the stars disappear when the daylight arrives’, I used to ask my mother when I was a little boy of three or four years. And my mother would always smilingly reply, ‘The stars never disappear; they simply come down on the earth and convert into flowers; you are my flower; you are my star’. That was really a very beautiful answer; I realize it now when my mother herself has gone to heaven. After spending almost half a century here in this world of dreams and desires, I feel the most trust-worthy and the most confident relationship is that of a mother and a child. In love of their children, mothers sacrifice all that they have and all that they own; but sometimes mothers have to sacrifice their children too. In Islamic societies such type of sacrifice is known as ‘Shahadat’. In the history of humanity, the 16th December 2014 would always narrate a strange story of the same type in which mothers of more than 134 innocent children had to bear the sacrifice of their children in the largest interest of their nation and their country. Their innocent children were brutally slaughtered as if they were animals, not human beings. And the most pathetic and unfortunate aspect of this story is that this slaughtering was done in the name of religion.Read More »THE APS TRAGEDY