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Ali display picThey were friends when I was a school boy, I had read a lot in my text books about their sincere friendship; Pakistan and Iran; two brotherly countries. Iran was the first ever country which internationally recognized the sovereign status of Pakistan. And when I grew up I came to know that throughout the Cold War, Iran had been strongly supporting Pakistan in its conflicts with India. In return, Pakistan supported Iran militarily during the Iran–Iraq War in the 1980s. The two countries are economic partners in many projects and both are the founding members of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). Every year thousands of Pakistanis go to Iran for Ziarat of Imam Raza’s shrine at Mashhad and other sacred places. Iran is the only country whose cultural centers, Khana-e-Farhang, are working in almost all major cities of Pakistan. But in spite of these entire facts and figures one cannot negate the presence of an unseen wall of strangeness between the two countries. Somewhere in the last May I was in Iran on a ten days official visit. One day while traveling to my hotel in Tehran I asked my Irani driver about this unseen wall of strangeness; he simply replied, ‘Pakistan supports and favours the Taliban, Iranian people don’t like it—-the Taliban factor has created an air of distrust and disbelief between the two countries.’ Here the question arises; does Pakistan really support the Taliban? And if really the root-cause of growing distances between Pakistan and Iran is the Taliban factor, what about Iran’s strengthening relationship with India; everyone knows that India is providing all kind of support to those groups of Taliban which claim the responsibility of various terrorist activities in Pakistan. If supporting Taliban factor were the only cause of Iran’s displeasure, there must have been a very vivid air of stress and tension between Iran and India. But at present the situation there is altogether different. Even a blind man can feel an overwhelming presence rather interference of India in the Iranian society. Indian professors, Indian diplomats, Indian products, Indian religious scholars, Indian newspapers, Indian channels; in short one finds a lot of India in Iran. Is it the failure of Pakistan on diplomatic front or success of Indian policy makers rather conspirators.Read More »INDIA’S EVIL DESIGNS AGAINST IRAN


Muhammad Javed


This 68 years old acute diabetic patient surrounded by different old age worries could not control his abrupt and spontaneous burst of laughter. Reading  a few minutes back when surfing the net he came across a PDF “Handbook for Overseas Pakistanis” on the websites both of the Honourable Federal Ombudsman and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  The Handbook highlights, proudly, how showing the affection for Overseas Pakistanis the Federal Ombudsman had advised the Foreign Office (in addition to Higher Education) for early attestation of documents submitted by Overseas Pakistanis for the purpose.



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Ali display picThe present sorry plight of Kul Bushan Yadev, the terrorist of the RAW, is simply a blob of shame on the very face of Indian society. His arrest is no doubt a wonderful achievement of the intelligence agencies of Pakistan but it must be kept in mind that history is replete with such marvelous achievements of the intelligence and security agencies of Pakistan particularly with reference to the agents of Raw. These agents have ever been involved in very cruel type of terrorist activities in Pakistan though the intelligence agencies of Pakistan did never let them enjoy a long time working. Same is the case with Kul Bushan Yadev, the Indian terrorist of RAW who was arrested just a few days back. In this very short span of time the intelligence and security agencies of Pakistan succeeded in exploring all that was hidden in the brain and heart of this RAW operative. According to the details this recently arrested RAW terrorist was found deeply involved in different terrorist activities in Pakistan including a plan of sabotaging the CPEC project. The security agencies also traced his involvement in providing financial and technical support to the groups of so-called Baloch separatists. But there is nothing new in all these incidents; Raw had ever been very active in Pakistan and it is not for the first time that a RAW operative has been arrested.Read More »NOT A PILL LIKE BANGLADESH



Ali display picHave you ever been to the Capital of Balochistan Quetta? If not; you have really missed a paradise on earth with a lot of mesmerizing beauty. The kindness, the hospitality, the care and the love, enriched with innocently sincere smile of the local people simply adds to the charismatic attraction of this paradise. Moving along the Hanna Lake, at the distance of 156 Km from Quetta one reaches the beautiful Ziarat Valley, known all over the world for The Ziarat Residency. It is the place where the founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah spent the last two months and ten days of his life. This wooden-structured building was constructed during the British Raj in 1892 and was originally designed as a sanatorium before being converted into the summer residence of the agent of the Governor General. On 15 June 2013, this building of great national importance was targeted with rockets. The building was nearly demolished as a result of this attack. A local policeman, Bijjar Baloch also lost his life while trying to protect the building against the terrorist’s attack. The terrorists also removed the flag of Pakistan from the monument site, replacing it with a BLA flag. Later on the Militants belonging to the Balochistan Liberation Army claimed the responsibility of this cowardly attack. After the attack, thousands of local residents of Ziarat carried out a protest and chanted slogans against the BLA. One could feel an air of gloominess all over the atmosphere after the incident. That was really a moment when the real face and popularity of the so-called separatist organization in Balochistan was exposed to the world.Read More »27TH MARCH IN BALOCHISTAN