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Ali display picNuclear technology could be a serious threat to the world peace if misused. To keep the world safe from the possible hazards of nuclear technology, almost all countries and all nations are very much conscious. In this context, a meeting of the NSG countries was arranged in Vienna on 11th of this November. In this meeting China once again maintained its tough stand on the issue of new membership of the NSG and called for a two-step, non-discriminatory solution to admit non-NPT members into the 48-member elite grouping. Read More »WORLD LOOKING TOWARDS JAPAN


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Ali display pic  I am sure, during your early school days, most of you would have read the story, ‘The Wood-Cutter and his Sons.’ When the old wood-cutter was on his death bed, he asked his sons to bring a bundle of woods and break it without untying it; but the sons could not. The wood-cutter then asked them to untie the bundle and break the woods separately; the sons did it just in a few moments. From England to America and from China to Syria this story has ever been a very favourite one among the youngsters and in Pakistan too but unfortunately we in Pakistan never tried to learn any lesson from this story. On the other hand our friends in other parts of the world not only enjoyed its reading but also made its moral lesson the basic principle of their life. To tell you the truth; lack of unity is the most grievous problem of our society. Our enemies have learnt well how to ‘untie’ us and we are being broken into pieces like dried and lifeless logs of wood. It is the most urgent need of time that our religious scholars, our teachers, our poets, writers and journalists concentrate all their vigour on teaching us the importance of unity. One thing must always be very much clear to all of us that unity is the basis of any society. It takes no time in becoming Afghanistan or Iraq or Lebanon as these countries are the ever worst examples of internal social conflicts based on political, ethnic and sectarian differences. Life has become a hell in these countries and foreign invaders are simply enjoying these self-divided societies.Read More »RESHAPING TOMORROW



Ali display picCertainly one would call it illogical to trace some connection between the terrorist attack on Police Training Academy in Quetta and the successful completion of international PACES championship at Ayub stadium Lahore but unfortunately these two events are closely connected. And the whole episode revolves around a single point; Pakistan’s international isolation. Pakistan’s international isolation has been an ever green dream of the forces hostile to Pakistan. Our closest neighbour India is on the frontline of all such dreamers. For this purpose India leaves no stone unturned. A few days back India tried to give a new life to this old dream by boycotting the 19th SAARC Summit which was to be held in Islamabad in November this year. Apparently India’s boycott of this summit was a reaction to Pakistan’s so-called involvement in Uri attacks, though latter it was proved that the terrorists were purely of Indian origin and they had no linkage with Pakistan, India remained adamant on its blame. The only purpose of this stubbornness was to deface the realities and to defame Pakistan as a policy matter. India’s boycott was followed by the boycott of Afghanistan, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Now after India’s boycott of the SAARC Summit, it was a big challenge for Pakistan to neutralize this negative propaganda that Pakistan is drifting towards international isolation. Pakistan Army accepted the challenge of defeating India on this front too. Recently this ‘Internationally isolated Pakistan’ extremely successfully hosted the first ever international PACES championship at Ayub Stadium Lahore on 18th of this October. Read More »THE MOTHER OF ALL TERRORISTS


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ALI SUKHANVER The whole nation and almost all media houses and media persons are condemning a recent report on so-called ‘widening differences between Pakistan’s Military and Pakistan’s political government’ published in a Pakistani newspaper and… Read More »REALLY AN EXCLUSIVE REPORT