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London based Indian writer Mirza Waheed very vehemently exposed the real face of the Indian atrocities in Kashmir in his article ‘India is blinding young Kashmiri protesters’. The article was published on 18th July 2016. He says, “Two sets of images have haunted me these last few days. One is a series of photos of people splashing bucket-loads of water to wash away blood from the streets of Kashmir, where Indian forces have shot dead at least 45 people since 9 July. The other set of images is that of scores of young men with bandages on their eyes, before or after undergoing surgery to remove tiny steel pellets from their retinas. Indian forces deployed in Kashmir now routinely use pellet guns to stymie roadside demonstrations.” India is continuously trying to negate the fact that Kashmir belongs to the people of Kashmir; the Kashmiris are a nation, having an individual identity, a separate culture and independent traditional values; and they could never be treated like animals. They are looking to the world around them in search of someone who could save them from the horrible, miserable blazing inferno of human rights violation.Read More »HAUNTING IMAGES OF KASHMIR



Lal Din Bugti, a Baloch Ferrari commander along with six associates surrendered on 28th January in Quetta and pledged to fight for defence of the country till the last moment of his life. According to security sources, the separatist commander and his colleagues laid down arms in front of Mir Attaullah Kalpor Bugti and FC officer Col Awais. The government sources told media that these Ferrari commanders were involved in anti-state activities including blowing up gas pipelines and other heinous crimes. Now at the call of their conscience, they are back to the lap of their motherland Pakistan. I think a sinner seeking for forgiveness must always be welcomed and honoured. The days are not in far future when all Ferrari commanders who have been playing in the hands of the Indian agencies since long would realize that their motherland is waiting for them with tearful eyes.Read More »THE SONS OF BALOCHISTAN