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#2 – Pakistani Legend Athar Shah Khan Talks to You عظیم پاکستانی “جیدی” کی آپ سے بات چیت

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Note: An English Version Follows the Urdu Notes here .. پیارے دوستو، سلام۔ آپ لوگوں کی اطہر شاہ خان عرف جیدی سے محبت کا اظہار ہورہا ہے، جو جستجو ٹی وی کے پروگرام “بہترین دوست+ زندہ جاوید” کے ناظرین کی تعداد سے ثابت ہے۔ جناب ڈاکٹر اطہر شاہ خان صاحب نے اپنے ادبی سرماییہ کو یک جا نہیں رکھا، شاید اس لیے کہ وہ ادبی و تخلیقی کاموں میں ہروقت مصروف رہتے تھے۔ چںانچہ ہم یہ تجویز پیش کررہے ہیں کہ ان کے کاموں پر جامعات پاکستان تحقیق کریں، اور اس موضوع پر ایک ڈاکٹریٹ کا اجراء کریں، جو Read More »#2 – Pakistani Legend Athar Shah Khan Talks to You عظیم پاکستانی “جیدی” کی آپ سے بات چیت

UAE Brighter Macro-Economic Prospects in 2010

Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

The first decade of the 21st century comes to an end last week. The decade was full of achievements and challenges. It was the decade of socio-economic transformation, liberalization, structural reforms, high standards of good governance and the last not the least people participation. It was also the period of strong economy, stable political system and above all leader’s Immaculate Conception. An excellent crisis leadership and proactive monetary and fiscal measures helped the UAE economy to withstand the fallout of the financial tsunami more efficiently than most other economies.Read More »UAE Brighter Macro-Economic Prospects in 2010

United Arab Emirates Phenomenal Social Development

Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

H.H. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE President and H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai and other leaders are keen to foster the pace of ongoing social development. They have already established the high values of social justice, rule of the law and interfaith harmony in order to ensure the political stability and to continue social development in the country. The holistic social development programs are going on in all the federating units of UAE under the visionary leadership of Sheikh Khalifa. It also shows sincere determination of the leaders to protect the social fabric of both the local as well as foreigners in the UAE. The unity and cohesion of UAE political system and articulated society is the resultant of tireless efforts of the late Sheikh Zayed and now being carried forward by Sheikh Khalifa in a bid to achieve new remarkable heights of social development. They have been passionate about the welfare of their people. They started short term and long term diversified but integrated programs to uplift the standards of living, healthcare, schooling, housing, clean drinking water, security and above all women empowerment. It is seemed that from dynasties to dynamics everyone is playing contributory role in the social development of the UAE due to which they have succeeded to bring sustainable social revolution and the caravans of prosperity, progression and political unity goes on and on. Social development is a continuous process due to which in the current UAE’s federal budget (2010) the government increased public spending by 3.4 percent next year despite the global economic downturn which shows its strong commitment towards the betterment of its people. It allocated a total of Dh9.8 billion towards many projects of schools and higher education which representing 22.5 percent of the total budget. A further Dh7.6 billion or 17.5 percent of the total allocation has been set for infrastructure development projects throughout the country. The social sector, education and health got the lion share i.e. 41 percent of total allocation, infrastructure development 17.5 percent and government services 39 percent. UAE’s millennium development goals (MDGs) also verify that social development is the strategic priority. It is that UAE government is proactive to achieve all goals of MDGs. It is eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, achieving of universal primary education, promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women, reduction child mortality, improvement of maternal health, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, and the last not the least insurance of environmental sustainability the visionary leaders of the UAE are there to deliver. To achieve societal equilibrium and create balance among the different sectors of the economy UAE allocated farmland to farmers and secured cooperative marketing for their products. Financial and material support also already provided. Incases of education, UAE has succeeded to achieve universal primary education targets for 2015. The net enrolment rates for grades 1-5 is 98 % in 2005, which suggests 100% target ratio is achievable by 2015. UAE has the ideal place for gender equality not in the GCC but also in the world. The ratio of girls to boys in grades 1-5 and 6-9 was 94.8 and 92.9 in 2005. Enrollment in universities and higher education women has already surpassed the boys. The General Women’s Union (GWU) launched in 2006 a UAE gender mainstreaming project has achieved great success. UAE has phenomenal growth in the healthcare sector. Child mortality and infant morality rates have been reduced. The government of UAE under the people’s friendly leadership paid special attention to improving maternal health and they succeeded to do so. UAE is taking all possible measures to achieve sustainable environmental equilibrium. Rigorous environmental legislations and regulations have already been parasitized. Holistic Social Public PolicyRead More »United Arab Emirates Phenomenal Social Development

Athar Shah Khan, Jedi Talks to You اطہر شاہ خان جیدی آپ سے گفتگو کرتے ہیں

Athar Shah Khan Jedi
Athar Shah Khan Jedi

Note: An English Version is Under this Urdu Introduction

اطہر شاہ خان، جیدی، ۱۹۴۳ میں رامپور یو پی، برطانوی ہندوستان میں پیدا ہوئے اور جلد ہی پاکستان آگئے۔ وہ صحافت میں ماسٹرز ڈگری کے حامل ہیں، اور ہومیوپیتھی کے مستند ڈاکٹر بھی ہیں۔

انہوں نے اپنی نوجوانی ہی میں پاکستانی میڈیا میں اپنا لوہا منوالیا۔ انہوں نے پاکستانی ٹی وی کے ۱۹۶۴ میں اجراء کے فوراً بعد ہی اسے فتح کرلیا۔ اور کروڑوں ناظرین کے دلوں میں جگہ بنالی۔ وہ آج بھی وہیں راج کرتے ہیں۔Read More »Athar Shah Khan, Jedi Talks to You اطہر شاہ خان جیدی آپ سے گفتگو کرتے ہیں

Pervez Musharraf most popular Pakistani leader on Facebook

* Zardari follows with Nawaz on third spot
* Bloggers believe key reason for ex-president’s popularity is his liberal ideology

By Afnan Khan

LAHORE: The face of Pakistani leadership may be entirely different now compared to a few years back but the Facebook fan club of former president General (r) Pervez Musharraf with over 100,000 fans shows that the former president still rules the roost, at least in the cyberworld, beating President Asif Ali Zardari’s page, which has over 86,000 fans.
Read More »Pervez Musharraf most popular Pakistani leader on Facebook



 In the second week of the last December , the Central Board of investigation , India (CBI) issued its 66 pages probe report into the alleged rape and murder of two kashmiri women Nilofar Jan and her seventeen years old sister-in-law Asiya Jan . The dead bodies of these two women were found in a stream on 30th May 2009 in Shopian. According to the details these two women were kidnapped, raped and murdered by the Indian troops deputed there in the Shopian town. After the discovery of their dead bodies the Shopian town observed a 47 day long shut down. The worsening law and order situation after the incident compelled the state government announce an inquiry commission to probe into the matter and four security personals were arrested. But unfortunately the commission gave a clean chit to the four arrested officers and said that the death of these two women was nothing but an accident and the basic cause of their death was drowning into the stream.Read More »THE CRUEL ‘SHOPIAN’ STREAM

Climate Change Hits Natural Paradise of Kashmir

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By Zafar Iqbal

The tangible impacts of climate change are now witnessed even in those areas of South Asian region which are considered as habitat of ecosystem due to the abundance of natural resources. Like other areas of world, the weather pattern in Kashmir has changed so much so that people are experiencing in chilly and dry winter without rains and snowfall.Read More »Climate Change Hits Natural Paradise of Kashmir