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It is not the gun but the gunner that hits the target. A very sophisticated weapon becomes useless when it comes to unskilled and inexperienced hands. Skill and experience joined together with wisdom can do miracles. Wisdom is the only element which is always important from beginning till the end, in all problematic matters of life. In spite of having a lot of strength and a lot of resources, the USA is still not even near the brink of success in Afghanistan; the only reason behind is the lack of wisdom. The situation is going to get more confusing, more entangling if the US authorities don’t stop preferring the use of force to the application of wisdom. They will have to come out of the dilemma of their misunderstandings first if they want their efforts in Afghanistan bear fruit.Read More »THE WAR AGAINST PASHTUNS


Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan

Shaikh Mubarak bin Mohammad Al Nahyan

The demise of Shaikh Ahmad Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan is a great loss not only for the UAE, Middle East but for the whole Muslim world. Shaikh Mubarak was the former UAE Minister of Interior. He passed away on February 24. He was born in 1929. He left three sons and two daughters. His sons are Shaikh Ahmad Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Shaikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Shaikh Hamdan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Public Works.Read More »DEMISE OF GREAT VISIONARY LEADER

Stage set for another round of the ‘great game’

By Saeed Minhas

ISLAMABAD: Diplomatic activities and personalities continue to grip the capital throughout the current week. High profile visits and meetings remained under discussion at most of the late-night parties in and out of the Diplomatic Enclave. What stirred the most comments (perhaps criticism) from diplomats was the recent Compton lecture delivered by UK’s foreign secretary David Miliband at a post-modernist US institute, MIT, regarding Af-Pak possible solution.
Read More »Stage set for another round of the ‘great game’



 According to all dictionaries of English language, ‘raw ‘means crude and coarse, unprocessed and untreated ; these meanings  seem very much close to reality  when we look at the working of the world famous  intelligence agency RAW. The name coined for it very truly matches the accurate meanings of the word. Raw has very surprisingly succeeded in getting the record of the telephonic conversation between the ISI chief General Ahmed Shuja Pasha and President Karzai of Afghanistan. During this telephonic conversation, General Pasha tried to convince the Afghan president to curtail the Indian involvement in Afghanistan. General Pasha promised to smooth the way for negotiations between the Taliban and the Afghan government if Karzai co-operates in this context.Read More »ISI AND TALIBAN

Fiza Ali launches her Kurti line

LAHORE: An exhibition – ‘Fiza Signature’ – opened at the Nairang Art Gallery on Wednesday.

The exhibition showcased fashion model, Fiza Ali’s launch of her Kurti line.

She has experimented with fabrics ranging from chiffon, pure synthetics and lawns for her spring/summer collection, which includes gowns and eastern clothes. This is her first show in Lahore and she anticipates to organise future exhibitions in Karachi, Islamabad and Faisalabad. Read More »Fiza Ali launches her Kurti line