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How to get driving license from KPK?

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Driving License issuance and authentication details;



  • CNIC of the Concerned District (In case of the out district, permission may be granted from the concerned MLA/DPO in advance).
  • Medical Form Duly signed from the medical officer.
  • Fee Slip deposit in the designated Bank i.e., Rs 125 or 250.
  • After fulfilling the above requirements, the applicant is eligible for getting the computerized learner permit.


Token issuance for getting a computerized learner permit Token will be issued to the applicant in which the applicant CNIC Number, Name, Type of license, deposited amount, date of fee deposited and bank name are stored in the Data base.

Step 2:
Applicant Detail: In this phase the applicant personal information are stored in the data base i.e. Father Name, Date of Birth, Present Address etc.

Step 3:
Medical Information: Applicant Blood Group, Height, Weights are stored in this phase.

Step 4:
Image Storing: Applicants’ picture is captured and stored in the data base.
Note: – No Image will be captured in advance only that image will be captured whose get token 1st.

Step 5:
Issuance of Learner permit: After completing all the above four steps the system prints a page which contain two portions, one is computerized Lerner permit and the other is applicant details. The printed page will be handed over to the applicant for proof reading and verification. In case of no mistake the former mentioned portion (learner permit) is handed over to the applicant and later portion (history sheet) is kept in record.



  • CNIC
  • Valid learner permit
  • Medical Form Duly signed from the medical officer
  • Fee Slip deposit in the designated Bank i.e. Rs 125 or 250
  • After fulfilling the above requirements, the applicant is eligible for getting the test page.


Token issuance: – For getting a test page Token will be issued to the applicant in which the applicant CNIC No, Name, Type of license, deposited amount, date of fee deposited and bank name are stored in the data base.

Step 2:
Medical Information: – Applicant Blood group, Height, Weight are stored in this phase.

Step 3:
Test page Issuance: – A test page is issued to the applicant and  a proper date and time for test.
In this phase the file is handed over the applicant by telling him the location of test.

For Low category i.e. Motor car jeep, M.Cycle etc the person will appear before the MLA and For higher category i.e. LTV.HTV,PSV etc the applicant will have appear before the committee i.e. MVE and Secretary RTA.



  • Pass Test page duly signed by the MLA (In case of failing the test the applicant must repeat the phase 2 i.e., again printing the test page by depositing again the said amount in the bank).
  • CNIC of the Concerned District (In case of the out district, permission may be granted from the concerned MLA/DPO in advance).
  • Medical Form duly signed from the Medical Officer.
  • Fee Slip deposit in the designated Bank i.e., Rs 125 or 250.
  • Fee Slip Deposited in the Bank for license Issuance i.e. Rs.600 or Rs.1200.
  • After fulfilling the above requirements, the applicant is eligible for getting the Computerized Driving License.


Step 1:
Token issuance: For getting a computerized Driving License Token will be issued to the applicant in which the applicant CNIC No, Name, Type of License, Deposited amount, date of fee deposited and bank name are stored in the Database.

Step 2:
Thumb and Signature Storing: – Applicant thumb and Signature are stored in the Database.

Step 3:
Issuance of Fresh driving License: -After completing all the above steps the system will give a Computerized Driving License number to the applicant and a receipt is handed over to the applicant by telling him the receiving date of CDL and the history sheet is kept in record.


  • Visit the Licence Authentication page on the website of City Traffic Police Peshawar. Click the link here:
  • Enter your CNIC in the space provided.
  • If the licence is authentic, the centralised database will give you all of the details connected to the CNIC.

KPK Traffic Police official application (RAABTA) can also be downloaded from Google Play Store.

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